This is oriented towards new players, as the isk is not that great. I did this for about 15 - 20 minutes yesterday and got 15 million worth of free ore.
As some of you may know, there is an infestation of bot mining fleets using apocalypse battleships to mine in high sec. These ships periodically dump their ore in containers, which are tractored up by an MTU, which in turn is then emptied by an Orca. You can use these botting fleets to get some free ore.
You will need a dps ship and an industrial with a big ore hold, like a misamos, or any of its racial counterparts. The first step is to shoot the MTU. Concord does nothing when you shoot MTUs - you just get a suspect timer. It seems that that forces the orca bot to tractor the containers to itself using its own tractor beams. You can now park the industrial next to the orca and loot the containers as they come close to it. The orca “pilot” I dealt with was very slow looting, so I managed to loot all the containers it was pulling. You do go yellow flashy in the process, but you are not risking much, and the bots won’t attack you. If they do, you can come back in the dps ship and kill whatever you have a limited engagement with.
you can tell there is a fleet like that in a system if you see a lot of gibberish uncapitalized names with normal last names in local.
As I said, the isk is not amazing, but it feels nice to have a whole fleet working for you and, thinking back to my newbie days, the isk is not all that bad for a new player.
I did this is Yasud, but you can find many fleets like this in that area.