How to Increase eve’s player count and create value for existing PVP players and eventually everyone else

im not touching it

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Wait they went ahead with the blockchain game???
Gankers will be happy, they can now retire, all the farmers would need a 2nd and 3rd job thou.

Of course they did, they had some crypto nerds give them 40mil to make it.


Im not sure what your reading but if i go to a CCP webpage and click on the interview i get this:

Last paragraph:

“[They] are often run from a database, working with an API gateway into the database for Tranquillity, the main server for EVE Online . But now you can develop all those alliance infrastructure tools, basically on-chain, through smart contracts, and through UI frameworks that we’ve added.”

you can only ignore it for so long, the the material is on the web pages and they are running a 5000 player test from may 21st for six weeks for blockchain EVE. So i dont see how your statement is correct that they are not working on blockchain “stuff” they are literally developing it right now and posting the news about it in the link provided. Maybe we will see some video soon after the playtest.

I dont need other people to defend me, as i said above i will wait for the tech to show promise and going by the timeline posted above the real test would be the public beta test.

The cult of personality doesn’t interest me nor does the appeal to authority fallacy.

If the tech works and performs they way it has been stress tested over the last few years but with, as you put it “real transactions” in the public beta. then it would put it miles and miles ahead of anything currently on the table.

Only if the blockchain does not scale correctly.

yes as posted above i think the public beta test will show if its viable scaling or its just fluff advertising.
Ideally you want the criteria to be

  1. Scaling
  2. Fast
  3. Cheap (nano transactions)
  4. easily accessible

If it can perform on that basis then it would be a decent web 3 base layer

Interesting, maybe Paragon Labs is the “link” between EVE and BEVE :rofl:

If they see it working they will just outright add it to EVE and won’t care about any backlash anymore, they only restrain themselves for now because it seems there will be not enough interest and too much backlash, but if they learn or predict otherwise they won’t hesitate for even a second to do it.

Example: Remember this below?

No morally reasonable person would have added this in the first place, they did to test out the waters and see if they can get away with it. Who knows if they’ve added it back or if not yet will do so in the future when there less people will care to call them out on it. Also if their metric showed a lot of people dish out the dough thus it is financially viable to keep it in they wouldn’t have removed it in the first place because that’s what corporations are about: the bottom line.


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Well this was partially my point in the Original post, Plex is essentially a placeholder for a Web3 blockchain wallet etc etc anyway even if people dont want to admit it. so why not use the blockchain in a completely different way that benefits active PvP play and not just NFT minting.

In fairness though i think plex also was to capture the revenue from isk farmers/sellers

I remember years ago buying isk from dodgy spaceships was commonplace, so a call was made. Introduce plex to drive out a black market that would exist anyway. on the flip side if they didn’t introduce plex years ago, how big would the isk farming market be now.

I don’t think we are getting away from “cash incentivized prizes” sure i have spent crazy money on my kid fortnite = free game, Skins every month :rofl:

trying to train him up on EVE now

Uh huh… CCP aint exactly publishing this on frontline pages. I totally forgot about this project till you brought it up in the thread :joy:

At this point I have exhausted what I gotta say.

Ah I see… Well alright. Let the tech speak for itself. If it’s one thing CCP knows is that the player base can put up some serious backlash. We are not all pushovers… Yet

It does help your case if even 1 other person complemented your posts. Not asking for legions of people XD It’s an indicator to me at least there are not many people here on EVE forums who even know about this or are even aware of the specific technical details.

THIS is the most important 100% factual trend we know as a player base right here. The only reason CCP is keeping this on the downlow is because of the questionable (not saying there is none) interest behind this.

Clearly this stuff is not ready as OP said. I personally don’t think it wont be ready for more years but OP seems to think this will happen by end of 2024 and early 2025 like this stuff is coming soon :cold_face:.

I for one am still scarred by the crypo scammers and the NFT horrors (never had financial interest in them) and like many other just average joes when people say crypo/blockchain they instantly think of scammers and probably FTX (an exchange).

Nothing else to say. Gl. Extreme doubt this is going to revolutionize New Eden as we know it. Every year with no public release is a year they burn through payroll cash. I do try and have an open mind about it but when the conversation is so technical and no TLDR yet… makes it hard.

Guy you are consistently misreading the posts. i logged in after being away for years and seen it straight away (Blockchain project awakening). I can find videos on it. Its okay to be wrong.

Again you are consistently misreading the posts, the timeline for EOY was centered around the blockchain that was mentioned earlier and not the CCP game release try to follow along there chap.
CCP is building and testing a game now with some form of integrated blockchain i.e. partners have already been chosen, with that said the post is about partnering with specific blockchains now may cause scaling issues down the road if you are already locked in.

Insecure people need complements, a bandwagon fallacy is always a bandwagon fallacy. Whats your contention here ? if more people jump on my side of the comments it makes it more correct?
The overall posts is not the whether blockchain CCP game is happening its the type of application of said tech.

again waiting to see the specific blockchain mentioned above with the posted timeline for public beta stress testing of “terranode”. To clear up any confusion you may have, i don’t know what the project awakening development timeline is i just know its blockchain integrated.

Yeah sure. Wait, I have an idea, I will build a car that:

  • has infinite seats
  • is infinitely fast
  • fuel only costs micro cents
  • has no doors, so easy accessible

Everyone can see right away this is a superior car compare to every existing cars who have artificial limitations because they want to sell train tickets.

This is in fact the exact same logic behind BSV scaling. Even when it comes to crypto bro snake oil, BSV is one of the most obvious moronic scams.

Unfortunatly there is no point in discussing this with you, because if you had the capacity to understand any of it you would not have fallen for this scam in the first place.

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Ngl part of me wants to be knowledgeable on this topic like @Karak_Terrel

But at the same time I already have the gist (I think?) of it because that is what most execs get is the gist of things and they let the nerds hash it out.

Considering the PR challenges, general uses of blockchain, and the scammy nature of this whole industry it leads me to be extremely skeptical.

Again I wish I had a TLDR from @Darragh_MacIomhair (aka an executive summary) so I (RPing as a CEO here) would be knowledgeable on the business case on hand so then further R&D can be warranted and a project drawn up with considerations for the business plan (aka how to make money from this), how this will be rolled out, how to climb over the PR mountains, and other risks to be considered, and finally the $$$ needed to fund the project till completion because nearly every tech bro project ends up being WAY over budget and over time.

So, excuse me for trying to approach this like any business professional should (ideally).

I vehemently dislike the tech bro operating orders of move fast and break things. Throw a bunch of data and words in our face and expect execs (young and old) to know this stuff.

Crypto garbage detected, opinion discarded.


Yeah, this is a bit of a false analogy fallacy.

Cars cannot have infinite seats, can not reach infinite speeds (infinite speed was never mentioned) etc

So the

Does not equate

Most of the arguments made, this guy has them pegged down also. Which is why my original post specifically does not feature NFT markets etc. Just a rewards layer that can easily be rolled back if unpopular.

There is a veritable sea of shitcoins / scam coins out there, I would just not like to see EVE get entangled in one of them for the sake of the owners.

If BSV reaches consistently high TPS i.e. Over 1 MTPS on its public beta when it happens ( Scheduled for EOY 2024 see chart posted above) then from my research it is legally compliant as a base layer web3 (not a crypto coin). It might not be the popular go to solution but it may be in fact the most technically capable and legally capable, cult of personality aside. As i said before i will reserve judgement on it until it performs publicly.

Would be interesting to have more info on “Project awakening” so the speculation is not so adversarial.

The information about the game is currently under NDA. So until that’s lifted, speculation from those who haven’t played the game is all that will be seen.

Do you have any idea how much that would grow the ledger per second?

Dunning-Kruger Effect

  • Definition :brain:
    • Cognitive bias where people overestimate their knowledge
    • Incompetent people overestimate their abilities
  • Origins :scroll:
    • Named after David Dunning and Justin Kruger
    • 1999 study on self-assessment
  • Implications :balance_scale:
    • Leads to poor decision making
    • Difficulty in recognizing true skill levels
  • Examples :mag:
    • Novice drivers overestimating their skills
    • Unskilled individuals in various fields
  • Solutions :bulb:
    • Encouraging self-awareness
    • Seeking feedback and education

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