What kind of logic is that? You can do A LOT in this game as an alpha clone. It gives you access to far more content than most trial accounts in other games do.
Eve used to have a 2 week trial. You were restricted on that. They extended it to allow players to play longer to decide if they want to sub or not. Great for students in college.
You don’t have to plex for Omega to play the game. You also don’t have to be Omega to play the game.
This gives me a nice answer to your question: Suggesting that plexing your account is a viable way of playing will make less people play EVE.
A lot of people would burn out on the game if they had to a boring grind for hours in order to be able to do a boring grind for hours the next month.
PLEX price is directly controlled by CCP. Look last year. CCP had a multiple months long sale going and PLEX price went down as far as 2.6M ISK per unit. Since last summer, CCP has not had a PLEX sale at all (don’t make a fool of yourself and call that Valentine’s day a sale) and PLEX prices keep rising. CCP can influence the price very much and very directly with how they do sales.
Also, da ■■■■ is this complaint about anyway? Alphas playing this game to run lvl4s? Wow, what a great way to have fun! How braindead do you have to be to find it fun running missions all day long?
If all we lose are alpha players, good riddance. ■■■■■■■ freeloaders. Support a game that you enjoy, devs don’t work for free and servers don’t run on happy thoughts.