How to play this game when i cant earn ISK?

Actually I work in industry. I know how the work is done. That exact fact is my biggest problem. Real world experience do not apply to this game.
Real world sense and thinking do not apply to this game.

I made check for all BP profitability in the game today, just to mention it all my “skills” are 4 and 5, and I found 62 BP that will make money. A lot, right?

39 of them gives you less then 2500 isk for a cycle( 16 of them have cycle less then 20 minutes, other at least an hour).

23 of them gives you more then that but less then 15k, and none of those 23 are less then 10 mil isk and have more then 1 hour of cycle time.

Now some fan kids will say “this game is not for instant satisfaction”, really? It is not? Then why is there an increase in ganking of gates AND in stealing of loot?

Damn, even I started to do it( stealing not killing)- but as everything else in this game it is boring as fuk.
I did stole 600 mil tho…

Never mind that- my easy question is: why is industry in this game so fuked up?

Mining is done by game, producing is made by game, selling and buying is made by game and all of that is pushing the game down. Not to mention PI taxes and already mentioned ganking that will bring you down and give gankers almost nothing of value…

Quite, stupid.

Thank the developers and their recent changes.

As for your profitability, you are in highsec yes? If so, you are at a structural disadvantage. Null security facilities get better bonuses to reprocessing, reactions and production. You’re competing with industrialists with better margins due to increased risk.

You’re simply proving my point.

The game is not easy.
You need a lot of informations. EVE University Wiki
How to fit ships is a basic thing you will need to work on: Fitting A Ship (Working Example) - EVE University Wiki

As making ISK on alpha I can recommend something like exploration in high sec, doing scannable DED sites, but you will need to know where to find them.

Another thing is hunting trigs in High sec, you can do that in fleet when you are alpha. There is channel in game. Mail me in game if you want to fly in fleets sometimes.

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Damn. That’s like stealing 10 bucks irl. I hope you didn’t have to whack an old lady over the head for that isk.


Write to me in the game! I’ll give you some good advice

it’s not good to kick a beginner! we need to help!

It’s not good to steal, even if it’s not punished in-game. Nothing to do with beginners.

He could’ve asked for help to those he stole from, I’m sure a couple guys would’ve helped.

Stop crying. Nobody likes a whiner.

The last thing EvE needs is another “industrialist”.

Just uninstall the game quietly.


Much advice has been given in this thread, some of it even from players that I do not like, but credit has to be given when sound advice is shared, so kudos to the non-trolls. However, this just looks like a stealth trolling thread so… meh.

You should try wearing two tinfoil hats.

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Don’t be so Narcissistic derailing a perfectly fine and informative thread.

You stealth derailed it with your conspiracy theory ranting.

2 months later

Ah, so you didn’t flounce out…ok. How…wonderful…


Maybe he has split personality.

if you wanna make cash with industry then use your brain. for sure nobody will tell you what to produce or trade and it does not even make sense cause markets change and you will be in front of the same barrier one week later.
if you cant make use of your brain then industry/trading prob is just nothing for you.

my tip: dont stay in high sec, cause obbvsly you do.
go to low or use needlejacks to zero and go out with triglavian taxi.
you can easy make around 50-100mil and hour even with low skills. i start to play eve again after 10 years break. this is 1 month ago and at this point i already make around 200-300 mil a day.
eve is a game about thinking and risks. if you cant take risks you stay at the bottom line forever. its simple.

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Dude, you’re playing the game wrong. It’s not a sprint, it’s a casual long play.

Don’t play the ISK game, just play the game for the activities you enjoy and discover. Sort of like playing Chess. If you’re trying to play to plex, it’s a mistake. Either sub or simply play as an alpha doing those activities based on your personal progression.

What’s fun about the game for a total solo (no friends) player.

  1. Configuring ships
  2. Testing builds and completion times.
  3. The occasional ship explosion. (Lost a 2B Marauder over the weekend due to not paying attention in a PVE mission - Gurista)
  4. Starting over with different toons or goals.

Wife likes to crochet, which is also a long play game.


Very true words. Alas, most can’t actually handle the sand box.

Yes join my corp and I will teach you how I’m earning enough ISK to buy PLEX rather than sub.

This game takes time and hard work, you’ve only been playing it for a short while. Patience my young padawan!

You can earn enough ISK to sub your account through level four missions, Abyssal dead space , mining, industry ect or a combination of these. They take time to master and more time yet till you can afford better ships and fittings.

As for asking for people to give away their trading secrets? You have to understand people sink billions of ISK into building up a business in eve, blue prints, research, invention, PI, reactions. and at the end the profit margins can be very tight for the final product, competition is fierce in eve. So of course the room goes quite when you start asking how they do it! You will have to do what every other player has had to do in this game… figure it out for yourself.


The biggest mistake any new starter can make in EVE is trying to “go it alone” Find a good corp that will teach you and help you.

You need to HTFU

Your problem is that you want to make big iskies by your own, and only a few months old as well.

Try joining a group of players that are willing to teach you Eve.