How to play this game when i cant earn ISK?

Indeed it will not hurt many players (except maybe your competitor traders). In fact you’re helping other players to sell their items faster and buy their items faster by renting them your trade slots for a small fee.

For many people the quick sale is worth more than the price difference, but for other players (like you) that price difference may be a decent income. Especially when the amount of trades is scaled up by using multiple trading characters at the same time.

OP, +1 for being on point. I agree, many aspects of this game are boring and could use an overhaul, so it’s not so stale. Look at the announcement section, lots of underwhelming …announcements.

Yes, to some extent EVE is an “old player” haven, because the longer you’re active in it, the more you learn, the more skills you have, the more strategies you know, the more traps you learn to avoid.

You’re observing here that the “knowledge fee” presented by EVE is too big and takes too much time for you to bother with - an old concept that’s been around literally since EVE’s early years:

And yet here you are, finding ways to mess with other people in the game - pretty much what EVE is all about.

Keep in mind that every single new player over the past decade-plus has confronted the same issues you have, and somehow surmounted it. In most games, you learn by doing. In EVE, you learn mostly by dying.

Keep up the good work, looks like you’re making progress!

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Congrats my friend! You have discovered one of the best motivators in Eve: “oh yeah? Well f- you too!”

I wish you well in your endeavours. Keep at it!


One thing that would really enrich the game would be blops being able to target while cloaked. I was disappointed to find out they couldn’t and assumed they wpuld be able to.

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This thread is still going strong I see. :popcorn:

OP, you were very close to winning EVE like most of us here who just post on forums.

Mods killed the two other fun threads, so now we’re just wasting time here until someone posts another suicide-gank/Triglavian whine.

I did a single green in a T1 Arbitrator in a 0.7 two nights ago and a mod worth 140m dropped.

Thats me in 5 new Arbies.

And while that was a lucky drop, its really not hard to make isk.

But I guess its hard if you have certain ideas about how much isk is enough.

“I’m not going to put time into learning, instead I’ll put all my time into doing the exact opposite of what my main goal was”. Yeah this seals the deal: it’s a hoax, a fake.

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I got a relative newbie to a point where he could afford a cynabal in a few days, to then lose it and go “ah well I’ll use my stabber for a bit” and now he’s back in a new cynabal.

It’s really not difficult if a newbie is willing to learn, listen and try stuff.


Of course you had to read how to do it or else you wouldn’t know…

And 1 person will not affect EVE’s economy at all but git gud.

Mmm. I love de arby. Neuts in the highs, drones in the skies.

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One an a half month is few time. This game never ends. At some point you will find something. Rakovene, triglavian wrecks. Found that by chance crossing a wh and with a venture and an imicus made 3 billions in a month as an alpha. Also stealing wrecks arround jita meant lot of isk. 2020 was when i installed the game and weird ■■■■ happened. 2021 was all omega game so easier to make money.

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Industry is not for new players, it is a complicated structure and the supply and demand are player driven. Unless you already have some clue about supply chain management and infrastructure you should not even attempt it when starting out.

Want to try going to “PAPI gated systems” and watch (or disturb) the dozens of afk-ratting ishtars, each sitting in it’s anom with a MTU out?

Rat loot, with the exception of meta 8 and propulsion modules, is already primarily used to be reprocessed for minerals.

Just because you don’t like the truth, that doesn’t make it any less so.

Going mining near the Uedama System makes good ISK! I made BILLIONS with mining in a Hulk over there.

Uedama? ain’t that a 0.5 system?

But Gee wizz, BILLIONS you say, that must be some Hulk loadout with all fancy pants modules.
Sounds like a great gig you got goin there, I might try mining Uedama with a fleet of 5 Catalysts.

Just out of interest, do you add any buffer tank to your Hulks?

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Debit card goes brrrt though.

There is great advice in this threat, delivered harshly.

This is what makes the EVE community unique.