Yes, you can.
My first corp was a nomadic nullsec group that taught its membership how to survive as predominantly solo travelers in nullsec.
They were really good at it, too. I didn’t really appreciate all they taught me at the time, as I was just too new at the game to understand how valuable what the CEO taught actually was.
You just have to spend more time examining the ingame statistics/map and learn to interpret what those stats can tell you about what is happening in the game; and select and fit a ship appropriately for what you want to do.
You have to be more patient, and cunning. You have to get used to never warping gate to gate unless you’re feeling frisky and the only one in local. *Note this does not apply in wh space, as local is delayed there.
zkill is your friend for activity updates as well. When I’m traversing a hotly contested area I always consult it, too.
If you find yourself frequently in one or two areas of space…make friends! Intel is often passed along, even if you’re not a corp or alliance member if you’re one of “us”. I’ve received intel numerous times, in npc null, due to being one of “us” even though I wasn’t an official member of “neighborhood”. And remember to repay those incidental kindnesses whenever you can. If you are a solo traveler, no one has to tell you anything…like how that guy that just entered the system is a notorious pirate, who doesn’t honor ransoms.
If you’re solo, and you suspect a gate camp ahead along your projected route…go around. There are plenty of ways to get around New Eden.
Any isk making activity you engage in…can be stopped at a moment’s notice, if you suspect trouble has just entered the system. Warp to your safe spot. Cloak up. You don’t have to shoot that last rat or get that last can. Greed causes more pilots to lose ships in this game than…well, than you can shake a stick at.
Of course, that can be flipped, too. If you develop a fondness for pvp, disguising yourself as an innocent ratter or explorer has it advantages, as well.
New Eden is a beautiful place. Sometimes, I travel just for the sheer joy of all the little details CCP put into the game. Cloud Ring is a particular favorite of mine.
is a wonderful resource.
But, the long and the short of it is you can.
I’d advise you to try it first, and see if your comfort level will accommodate a solo lifestyle. You may find you need a scout, or you may not. 
Extracting skill points is an expensive process. You don’t want to make a mistake you’ll regret later.
But, having noted that, I circumnavigated the cluster at 6 months, I’ve been to more than 2/3s of the systems in New Eden.
And no one can take those memories from me.
I’ve played solo, and with groups.
Both are good.