First rule is your not going to get rich rolling in isk starting out!!!
Its a side gig for new players and totally for get working in jita or other large trade hubs to get started
Yes you can buy in jita but keep your cargo below 100 million isk in value! Or there is a good chance your going to get ganked.
Thease guys are good at what they do and raiding ships in jita pays well.
Rule 2 start with what you know! Your ammo your fits ect
Finding a system or station with lvl 1 or 2 missions agents to start other new players need some of the same stull you do!
Depending on your trade skills starting off an how many missions you run or how much you mine you can expect 10000 to 100000 isk a month starting out its not much in eve but as your skills improve so will your income
Alway keep an eye on what sells an what is just junk
If you have any further questions you can mail me in eve
Trail and error
Project Discovery is also good. Zero risk.
Basically, you are trying to tell a new player how to start their own minor trading hub?
Really not ! Trading takes away from badly needed mining or pve skills a new player needs an can turn more isk per hour than trade might be ok to start after you can run at least lvl 2 missions but lvl 3 would be better or have at least solid mining skills prior to going out side there skill set
But i keep getting asked so thats why i posted it going off skill set reality holds new players back and discourage them because of lack of funds hell you would make more pure isk mining in a ibis then in trade
Or a Venture, though if a new Capsuleer wants to focus solely on Trade, why not suggest to do both, using the outside of New Eden tools like
That simply makes sense to do more than one thing in New Eden right from the get go.
In practice, I repeatedly got 600m ISK items 27 jumps through Uedama and to Jita today. In a 1.6 second align time Sunesis…which really doesn’t take that long to train up for as the main align time effect is inertial stabilisers. One has to create an instadock point at Jita as well.
There’s something quite satisfying about just zooming past people before they even realise you are there.
Use a courier service and move billions worry free. Or just put up public courier contracts. I do that for anything under 20B and they get picked up in minutes most of the time.
Mr Epeen