How to use the test server?

I tried to use it a while back, and my character had no ships, no ISK, no nothing on the test server. Surely you don’t have to grind for weeks or months or years on the test server just to have the ISK and wherewithal to test things out? Am I missing something?

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Not really. You can use the /copy ships command to get all your things copied over from TQ to Sisi. Then just destroy them to collect the insurance money. You can also just buy a couple of capitals or battleships or freighters, they only cost 100 ISK in seeded systems, and destroy those to collect insurance money. Paying 100 ISK to get hundreds of millions or billions in insurance money is easy on Sisi.

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The test server usually has a mirror of your characters from some point in the last couple months - if you didn’t find a character there was it perhaps because you had just started that account? Regardless, as was said above you can use insurance fraud to get ISK, although with everything costing 100 ISK that isn’t usually a problem. You can also buy and use 100 ISK extractors to move skill points around if you want.

Not every item is seeded on the market, but there is enough there for testing purposes and at 100 ISK even whatever was in your character’s wallet when copied over should be enough to buy whatever it is you want to try out.



buying 100isk [insert most expensive T1 ship you can fly], and insurance fraud it. (insure, and self destruct for payout)

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QUESTION: Can an alpha account use the test server?

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No, make that a yes. I just successfully logged in to SiSi with an alpha account.

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