Howling Interdictors Update - Now Live on Singularity for Testing

in a word. no.

cant screen in combat ceptor, not fast enough and gets caught by bubbles so cant chase down light tackle. tbh it doesnt matter what buffs they give it, with out the nullification bonus it really cant ‘intercept’. Too easy to pull out of position, overheat bonus effect is minimal; small gang pvp as someone puts it wont be affected… people dont tend to use brawlers a lot for that and using combat inties as a fleet ship is usually for ‘funsies’; AF’s do it better.
Hell even t3d’s align faster…
Over heat bonus only effects prop mods… I mean… who flies interceptor and doesnt know how to sling shot?

You understand that my suggestion was in response to the guy who claimed that the combat ceptor buff ends all small gang PVP because nullbears will get really fast ships.

Nullbears won’t know how to handle all that speed will get scram then fly straight passed loose scram then get instead popped with their 0 trans.

I dont understand why Interdictors have this and not Command Destroyers/Command Ships.
This is not a bubble. This is a command burst that slows ships.

Ya all are so caught up on what to call it you didnt even realise how different this is from a bubble.


what are they going to catch , that they couldn’t already ?
what advantage does this really give them ?
ability to disengage , run off-grid , make bookmarks or pings … nothing game-breaking that i can think of , or that you’ve mentioned .
it’s just ccp throwing them a bone after the last nerf …

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lol… damnit! we’re screwed either way, then. We need a BRAND NEW WORD for this, clearly.

You should have been around when 'ceptors could go 12km a second. Coming across a 'ceptor in Low Sec used be very cringe worthy.

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I remember getting away from one with so little hull left… AH, the “Good ol Days…”.

I think removing a high slot from all the nullified 'ceptors would be a move in the right direction.

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Usefullness ?

Of those new DICs, the heretic feels extremely good with it’s incredible tank and signature. The flycatcher certainly has it’s ups, but I don’t see how it does anything great a sabre doesn’t do better, besides receiving reps. With MSEs however you’re a small sun to take shots at, and you got neither the speed, nor the agility a sabre. So you could receive reps if only a flycatcher wouldn’t generally take damage before reps arrive.

The eris is really interesting with the reduced mass penalty, and feels much better than it used to. Four lows translate into fair resists, you retain a fair part of the agility but sadly that’s where it stops being good.
Without a falloff bonus, this ship is fairly useless with blasters. If you use them, you can’t apply to a target with void you’re orbiting if it has so much as an AB fitted, and using null will gimp your damage down to the level of a heretic that doesn’t suffer from outrunning it’s own turret tracking.
If the eris fits rails, it’s going to be a glorified catalyst that dies like a catalyst.

The Heretic and Sabre are both amazing, the flycatcher looks less than convincing, the eris is a disappointment compared to it’s direct competitors. It’s a slow-butt sabre without a regenerating tank layer that moves slowly, or it’s an absurdly fragile heretic with no benefits to make up for it.

Eris is the equivalent of the Astarte with its 400m3 cargo space. A definitive ‘Almost’.

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I mean considering half the time people dont even bother putting guns on them what on earth made you think this?

Yes take away all the high slots and they still work as intended. But make sure to add something because you took something away.

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I’d like to correct myself. The eris is satisfying if you ignore that armor plate mass reduction and skip the plate. 550dps with null and almost 5km/s heated before links, this ship has a niche next to ricardo hecates.

I quite liked his last album


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