HS FUBAR! ccplease!

I am not constantly posting “no, go away”. That would be dull. I throw in an occasional “good riddance” for extra flavour.


Confess. You purposefully left out the apostrophe from the contraction thinking you could trap me into making a petty and terse response.
I’m too smart to fall into that trap. Ha.


Wich will last what 10 seconds? Anyway, trig do cause lot of DPS, and if said looter warp a ship to fight the trig while loot, then he deserves the loot, as now he is actually fighting for it. off course it’s not the holy graal for the issue but it will make the Ninja looters life a bit harder

Whats an apostraphe?

Some kind of Amarr priest I reckon.


I live in WH space and TRIED the new content, which, to me in the state HS works and has the NEW content is a waste of time and money on CCP’s part.

Are we talking loot or salvage?

Loot is fine as is.

And regardless of how long the six ships last, you get that its manipulating the aggro to take the heat off your main ship, right?

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Yeah you are right… I shouldn’t make statements about LS, NS, I don’t go there. And I do believe you if you say that LS isn’t balanced.
WH space to me is good, not great, because the new contenct, partially paied by my sub, has no added value with what happens in HS.

Salvage doesn’t belong to anyone, never has :stuck_out_tongue:

Because again, salvage doesn’t belong to anyone other than the person who salvages it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah not happening, salvaging is a mini-profession and its by deliberate design that there is no flagging involved


WH is and has been the best space in eve for years. There is a reason CCP is afraid to touch it and there is nearly a bloody revolt any time they try.


FFS I get it alright. I’m saying it’s absolute crap. If you salvage my wreck I should be able to to shoot you in the face.

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It isn’t “your” wreck though, thats the point, you’re under the assumption it belongs to you when infact wrecks themselves don’t actually belong to anyone, the NPC loot in the wreck is all that you own, the salvage doesn’t belong to anyone other than the person who salvages it

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It IS wierd how when Im salvaging, there is often not either a Destroyer with the fleet who is claiming the wrecks, or even a Destroyer ready to gank.

Whats stopping you from shooting? Is your safety button stuck?


I am not constantly posting “no, go away”. That would be dull. I throw in an occasional “good riddance” for extra flavour.


No ?

Or you’re just a first-class moron, e-compensating for a lack of something IRL… ? Dunno…

You made a notable contribution to this thread for sure.

As for the OP, the rules of Highsec are as they are, and alreayd suit a lot of people, perhaps asking them why instead would’ve been the best course of action.


Welcome to GD! I see you are new.

I hope you have an enjoyable stay!

missions rats will, ill run a mission with someone and all the rats will go from red to yellow because they already know someone else is in warp. they land and all the rats target the new ship.

and yes there should be more ways or thing to do with people like that, but than again the greifers dont like if they are the ones being baited and not them baiting.

Thank you, I agree.

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Well done.

Awww thats romantic.


Well i was able to run a couple hours without lowlifes, YAY
Still my point of me not being the rightous owner of the wreck that I invested time and money in is so stupid and needs fixing

Question still remains, what’s stopping you shooting us?

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