Humanitarian Relief for Octanneve V

Yes, and he’s also tricking people currently. His “Project Solace” claims to be about ending Triglavian invasions, but it’s really about surveilling Tanoo II and the Tebu Amkhiman freeport. I’ve fought in almost every Triglavian invasion that popped up in Tanoo, and I can say with certainty that not once was he ever involved in fighting those invasions. Also, he had several listening posts set up over Tanoo II, which were shot down by me and a friend.

Not to mention that he’s a Nation loyalist. Also not to mention the horror stories I’ve heard from people he’s stalked and abused. He’s been pushing this wannabe-Butcher act for ages. I’m not surprised that he’s got an agenda here.

I’ve been on the surface of Octanneve V myself. My corporation had data stored in several warehouses near Moisant. Corovid and Viavant were the first groups to respond there. Arson has yet to offer us any assistance. We’ve not received supplies from his customs office. All he’s done is get in our way and make ■■■■ difficult. Maybe he’s actually helping someone else on the planet. But he sure as ■■■■ hasn’t helped Moisant.

We have our own ways of getting goods and people to and from the planet. It’s not the first time I’ve had to engineer a side route for planetary traffic. So yes, the supplies are arriving safely, and yes, we will offer proof of their usages.

Now that we’ve gotten that straightened out, unless Arson wants to confess to seeding the planet’s atmosphere to generate the hurricanes, let’s move on from that giant asswipe of a distraction and get back to helping the folks who need it.