Humanitarian Relief for Octanneve V

Apologies for the silence on this front. After the news cycle died down, we chose to operate in relative obscurity due to the threats to our operations noted earlier in this thread.

Our rebuilding objectives are about 30% complete. We focused on the most densely populated areas, meaning that about 60% of displaced residents have been able to return home. The others remain resettled at other locations, primarily on Gallente Prime and Matar.

Two groups of displaced residents were being housed at locations that came under threat due to recent acts of aggression. We were able to ascertain that no one was harmed. We would like to send a special thanks to our partners on that front.

Our current focus is on raising funds to continue rebuilding and rehousing residents. Unfortunately Clan Licei is litigating concerns around liability and insurance. We are looking forward to the Carnival season of YC122, and have several fundraising activities under consideration related to that event.

The first will be the grand opening of CRAFT Bar and Grill aboard the Tebu Amkhiman in January. More details will be available in an event-focused thread, but everyone who pitched in with our rescue and recovery efforts after the storm will be specially invited as our honored guests.