Humanity needs THIS!

EM drive even if possible, would be not much better than what we have now. The best results would be with manipulation of space itself.

well it would be a lot better it would allow us to generate thrust without a propellant meaning we wouldn’t need to worry about about fuel

we can generate our own fuel on the fly so its kind of a big deal

if its real

We can’t even keep people from trampling each other to death in a mall on Black Friday. We, as a race, aren’t going anywhere anytime soon…


We are indeed very insignificant, even in our own perception, counting the physical properties. Our tools are more significaant than we and survive more than we. At some point it may be so we will be no more, but our tools will be everywhere, instead of us.

People could say its the end for people, but it could be new chapter for our tools, infused by curiosity.

this will sound strange but i personally believe humans are the most intelligent species in the universe
because our technology develops so fast
we go from stone age to electronic age in 2000 years and i think that is scary
maybe we are genetically engineered
as humans
to be more intelligent than the alien species who might have created us
and that gives us a purpose in the universe but maybe one we do not realise yet
i.e to solve the problem of eventual heat death

If we are the most intelligent species in the universe, then the universe is screwed…

do you think we lack the ingenuity to genetically engineer a species superior to our own
kinda like how i said we might have been created ourselves

Then we can find our technology surpassing our abilities, and this technology surpassing its own abilities? Post-singularity?

Not everyone have to Einstein. I think of it as the rest is to give out this Einstein at some point.

We still have people that sacrifice chickens and cast voodoo curses on their neighbors for fucks sake. So no, we aren’t intelligent enough to do that…

your vison is small which is why you are caste as a worker bee


If we did somehow manage to create a higher form of intelligence, the first thing it would do is try to ■■■■, both literally and figuratively, everything it encountered…

isnt that what we do

Exactly. A machine or life form designed by an inferior life form is still going to have the flaws inherent to its creator. It would be no better than we are now and possibly even worse…

well if you have a bad cup of water
you just keep distilling and refining until its good
all part of the process

either way if we were created by an inferior being
they passed the flag on to us to create something slightly superior
and we will pass that flag on to the next gen
every generation breeds out a bit of bad and keeps the good

I think resilience of tool made by us would surpass humans. It is surpassing us today in some areas. It would reign supreme eventually, given enough work, without humans or with us. But at some point we will be no more anyway, only our heritage.

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the heritage of our ancestors
the lessons of our mistakes passed down through generations
aw its cute

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Do away with religion and we might get somewhere. If not, we will still be killing each other over who has the better imaginary friend for the next ten thousand years…


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i disagree
religion has been a great source of motivation for humanity in history
in fact i would argue its part of the reason we have got as far as we have

edit; lets leave the catholics out of this argument tho i dont wanna go there

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It is in religion itself that scepticism and curiosity makes for very anti-religious pair.

Garden of Eden story.

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