Humanity needs THIS!

The em-drive isn’t peer reviewed science. Believe me I get hyped about this things and want to really believe that it is possible. But all this looks just very suspicious like some dude who is diluding himself.

Uh… what? Do you even understand how science works?

Yes, it was disproven. Peer-reviewed doesn’t mean “true”. It means that sound science was used. When sound science is used to show an error in the initial experiments (as was done fairly recently with the EmDrive)… that disproves the initial study.

What was found is that the earlier experiments had systematic error. In this case, their wiring created electromagnetic fields which were pushed against to generate thrust. This is not a new physics phenomena… it’s simply shows the earlier experiments did not sufficiently shield their wiring to get proper data. When shielded… no thrust.

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uh yeah it is

well the chinese universities already produced greater results using the same idea on a larger scale

seems like its more than just one guy deluding himself when nasa gets peer reviewed and chinese universities confirm it with a higher yield of thrust

and you use a crappy article to prove it?
by a guy who is a supposed physisist
but thinks he is a doctorate in engineering
sorry phd in physics doesnt give you phd in electronic engineering

and also completely avoided the whole aspect of the shortening of the pathing of light that can be measured within the drive itself

You’re looking at the effect of electromagnetic fields created by improperly shielded wiring pushing against earth’s electromagnetic field. We’ve already had experiments with proper shielding show no thrust.

What China did was create patent applications with theories of stacking resonance chambers to produce more thrust… built on the belief the original idea was valid. They didn’t build any prototypes or run experiments… they patented “ideas”.

Do you want to know how they proved this? It’s pretty clever… they kept the same prototype and turned off the microwaves bouncing around the resonance chamber (which is supposedly how the thrust was being created). Guess what… they still got thrust when they turned it on even without the resonance chamber doing anything. It’s just the electromagnetic fields from the wiring.

I’m sorry. Skeptics were right.

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thats called lorentz force factors and its already been closely assessed and mitigated with no clear effect on test results

no they stacked nothing
they just made a bigger one
nasa wanted to work on a micro-sensitive scale but the same test has been done on many different scales with the same results

no stacking involved

No, my text was generally about our tools. Like for example Mars rovers.

The study was performed by Martin Tajmar. He’s a German scientist with degrees in engineering physics, space studies and electrical engineering. He’s a full professer at TU Dresden in Aerospace Engineering and had worked at the Advanced Propulsion Group at NASA earlier in his career.

I’m sorry. Regardless of how much you want to believe… it’s false.

martin tajmar can go suck something
and now my evidence is as valid as martins
hes a wannabe
never even heard of him before this thread

And yet when they take the microwaves out of the resonance chamber… they still get thrust.

But yeah… go with your magic resonance drive that works without anything resonating inside of it as long as power is being fed through unshielded wires. Couldn’t POSSIBLY the the answer occam’s razor suggests. Must be the magic perpetual motion drive.

how about letting the people who wanna test it actually test it
instead of trying to disprove it without giving it a chance

why are you so determined to disprove the posibility of its proof

Trying to disprove it is actually giving it a chance. That’s simply how science works, by filtering the bs theories out with rigorous testing and falsifying.

If it works, why in hell are they not building a real experiment then where they can actually levitate something. Shouldn’t be that difficult if the effect actually exists. Yet for years they just produce trusts which could be explained by tons of other factors. Doen’t that raise at least a few red flags with you?

I don’t want to kill Santa here, but really, don’t get your hopes up. I will be positively surprised and absolutely thrilled if it turns out I’m wrong, but there are very good reasons to be very sceptical here.


All of the studies that found results all listed a series of potential systematic errors. White himself wrote that he didn’t believe new physics was found by the results. He listed 9 sources of experimental error that could account for the measurement of thrust.

As for Tajmar… he worked at the same place White did earlier in his career (Nasa’s Advanced Propulsion Lab). He essentially runs Germany’s version now.

because whiny brats in nasa say we cant test it before we know what it really does
it might reverse the poles of the earth so we cant test for another 400 years
400 years for real

They have been. All tests have been inconclusive except one… which showed that thrust happened regardless of microwaves being introduced into the resonance chamber.

If you get thrust without the resonance chamber… it’s not causing the thrust.

tajmar is just a dude
i have a buddy who is a professor at the university of graz
with the exact same credentials as tajmar
he keeps his mouth shut most the time because he knows it dont mean a crap

ah so you admit thrust did happen
just… no one knows how it happened

Lol. It was the electromagnetic fields interacting with earth’s electromagnetic field… probably combined with thermal changes in the structure.

But okay… keep believing in the magic resonance chamber that moves with nothing resonating when a perfectly rational answer is right there.

and the thrust for all examples using SHIELDED wiring was below the level of error for the devices able to measure thrust.

ah glad you know that
will be looking forward to reading your paper on the subject

I wouldn’t want to be the one to test a drive like that in space. You’d figure out it didn’t actually work as intended once you were beyond the influence of any orbital bodies magnetic field. Then you’d be marooned, which wouldn’t exactly be fun…

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