He refused to kill me. I had to go, I was still new enough to not know the self destruct feature existed. He bragged about his implants mid fight. I asked you to reimburse the citadel and all you did was talk about the ECM. I had 3 alts that could fly tornados, I just wanted to leave for my appointment. I could have blown him to smithereens, that thing was 3b+ and I had dual webs + scram, surprised no one had scanned it and ganked it already. I knew I had lost, he wouldn’t let me lose. Said ‘wait for blue’, etc. That’s also when he bragged about his implants.
I also never told you I bought plex, not sure where you are getting that. I made up some story about finding a ton of valuable items and posting the contract in your public channel, but that was about it. I just said I found them in a random can, lol. I asked for no more than reimbursement for the citadel. You wouldn’t even provide that. If he wanted some dumb Brutix kill he could have killed me, but he didn’t and instead held me, not even for ransom just to ‘troll’ me.
And apparently using some stupid suicide griffin is worse than using HG asklepians and a blingy ship, and also holding me for no reason, this is against many rules of the corp. The fact that I didn’t ECM him or gank him once I found out (because he bragged about it) is that I actually wanted to be somewhat honorable in the face of a cheater. But, holding me for laughs was crossing the line, I had to go and couldn’t play those games.
If I actually was just in it for the ISK I would have absolutely ganked a 3b deimos, the thing would melt to EMP nados. And then he pays 5 billion to kill a 500 million citadel. That was ridiculous. So the fact that you thought that was OK pissed me off.
I wanted to get a spy into your corp to scam the Ark you had, since you had previously lent me a Providence I wanted to infiltrate and gain trust in order to steal it. That didn’t work and I got kicked, but not for scamming, just another inaccuracy. So, I figured if I made up some story and posted a fake contract in your channel, you would accept it because you would think it was a legitimate mistake and didn’t want someone else to scam me. That’s exactly what happened.
It is extraordinarily stupid to spent 8,000 dollars on a game. The only reason 4b was nothing to you, was that you were buying plex. You had no source of income. This has to be the worst reason to buy 8k of plex as well, because CCP should be the ones spending money on new player retention. You’re literally paying to do CCP’s job. It’s not wrong to help new players, but spending 8k is monumentally stupid. You’d be better off wiring it to a Nigerian prince.