I can afford $5

conspiracy theory… alternate facts … call it like you want → poors are poor because of lack of education !

As a German working in Eastern Europe for the past 12 years I tend to disagree, but that is not the right place.


as a german working in central europe for the past 18 years i can say its true !
just a few things … i was never the best in school and my graduation was in best case average !
as i had my graduation i was in the same loop because my education wasnt good enough to understand the economic world … after about 10 years i educated myself and now i´m off this loop and i´m sure i not able to go into this loop again :wink:

btw … i know education is a very complex part and its not only 1 reason why youre education is “bad” … but if you want it YOU can change it !

then why you post it if its not the right place oO

I’m sure you can understand that a global business can’t generally price it’s product towards the least affluent customers. Some digital businesses tried this, and then the “clever” folks screwed that approach for everyone else by using VPNs to buy their subs in the cheapest regions.

And if you’re casual, fortunately CCP has given free Alpha accounts the ability to fly extremely useful ships, with a wide variety of builds, across all regions of space. There’s very few activities an Alpha can’t take part in. You can even continue to earn SP as an Alpha through a variety of means, although more slowly of course.

Find the things you enjoy doing, take advantage of the occasional juicy deal or sale, pick up some of the free/cheap Omega here and there. Appreciate what you do have rather than sweat what you don’t.


That’s uh… a bit of a stretch XD

EVE is probably the equivalent of going to the movies or eating out at a local restaurant.

Hay if you love EVE that much go call it luxury entertainment.


not realy … you dont pay a montly sub to your local restaurant xD would be strange if you do this :stuck_out_tongue:
and as soon as they offer a product which needs a regular payment then your recreational activity is luxury !

the base entertainment ( eating in a restaurant is also one of them ) can be cost some money. but its needed for te majority of ppl to stay healthy. and only if its a mental healthy because your local restaurant is the nearest mcdonals or burger king :wink:

but as soon as you have a product you are paying montly its not necessary and it become luxury.
and everybody is allowed to use luxury xD but you have to ask yourself " do i need this to “survive” on this planet ? " …

I see…

I would uh… argue that some “entertainment” has a higher or lower quality than others. Going to your local movie theater is a lot different than going to the Met Gala in NYC (you can google that)

You do you I guess. :sweat_smile:

sure xD because i dont live in NY and im not sure what it is ! so … as i read its a fundraising gala for the " Costume Institute des Metropolitan Museum of Art "

so… one is a movie thetaer and youre going to watch movies as entertainment ( base entertainment ) and the other is a fundraising gala to support a museum ( not the general place where youre looking for entertainment, its luxury and i think almost everyone would agree )

and sure, different entertainment products have different quality … and this depends on the person you are ! for someone the local restaurant is the best entertainment and for the other its the movie theater…

and if one of them have such high prices that it HAS TO be luxury then its only because the owner of them decide they want a luxury product and not the basement product

but, can we agree, that eve is a product of a concern we dont need to live ? we all can agree its annoying if we cant do things we want to do it …

The free version of the game is very playable. I get surprised everytime I expect a module to be OMG and it’s actually Alpha-usable.
Alpha get lots of ships, can mine, rat, trade, limited indy, explore, missions… not much to complain about at all besides connectivity issues.

What I meant is that this is simply not the right place to have this discussion.
Also saying that all the poor are uneducated is only partially true. There is a lot more to poverty.

as i said … its a complexe theme and my post is an extrem simplification !

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This is not the first complaint of this sort that I have heard, sadly it is a common one. The fun part is how many players would suddenly vpn in from countries in dire economic straight just to make THEIR game even cheaper than it is (relatively speaking).

We live in a world where the internets anonymity is a 2 edged sword. Nobody knows you are a dog not where your doghouse is (and old reference, I am not calling anyone a dog) and because of that it makes for a difficult time to cut slack to the financially strapped.

Me? I would like to know of the kids from the hospice are still playing (there was a group a few years back) but I am afraid I know the answer . . . hospice being what it is.

Look, alpha is free, no matter where you are. Take a few months as an alpha to earn a month of omega and ‘dolphin’ popping up and down the alpha/omega interface as you can.



Oh yes, the sad thing is people will ninja products specially adjusted to cater to the lower strength currencies, I think Steam (Valve) recently practically wiped out some regions markets because of this (walked back on this arrangement), so it’s definitely a huge problem if you go that route.

I imagine people smarter than us ran the numbers and decided this was a better way forward for CCP, so there’s not much you can about it, I guess.

As people have pointed out, they do have the alpha clone mechanic for the have-nots of the world which at the very least brings butts in seats.

Long-shot, but I hope Vanguard does very well to possibly allow some kind of income-demand pressure release on EVE proper.

Like is in Eve the alt anonymity …

  1. Play alpha
  2. save your 5$/month
  3. when you have enough and there is a reduction on game price, buy the 24 month one. I believe you can go to -50% temporary price reduction, over the -60% usual you have for 24 months so total -80%.

I do that with plex, even though plex are lower reduction. like 170 plex/month at the very least instead of 500.

Don’t feed the troll. It know this is stupid, by the simple fact that educated people live in countries with a weak currency. It does not care.

your proof with this post your more troll then i could ever be xD
educatet ppl live everywhere … same as uneducatet ppl ! and that youre uneducatet its 100% sure

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