I got player fraud, and lost nearly all of my asset

@Whitehound Yes, there are two characters involved in this trick. One bumps the Freighter and tries to get a ransom. Then suddenly an ‘ag’ comes around and offers to rescue him by webbing him into warp.

@RozenRed , stuff like this happens. But what I don’t get is that you violated rule #1 which is to never undock what you can’t afford to lose. Seriously, how can you play 10 years and don’t know that and then even expect to get your stuff back. Sorry, but it is gone. That other player, he bested you at EVE.

Log off for a few days and calm down a bit. I know this hurts as hell, but it is only pixels and you will get over it. Take this as a lesson not as a flaw of the game, because you will only punish yourself if you think this is someone else’s fault.


honestly ccp should perma ban you for doing stupid thing and expecting smart results

Oh, I see. So it was two different guys, not the same one.

The post above yours has a link to the thread of the guy who is doing this.

I thought this was a troll, but it appears there really are people gullible enough to accept random duel requests in a freighter

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I think the webbing mechanic is poorly understood. Webbing does get you into warp faster under certain circumstances. The reason web/duel requests are going to be about 100% from people who want you dead is because the web won’t help you escape after you’re being bumped.

A web lowers your ship’s maximum speed. If you are traveling at 75% of your max speed and aligned to your warp target, you warp. Ships accelerate more quickly when they are moving at lower percentages of their max speed.

You accelerate quickly for a bit, have someone web you and drop your max speed and boom, you insta warp. If you’re being bumped, though, you are NOT aligned to your destination or you’d be warping already, given you’re probably above your ship’s max speed anyway!


I was expecting you to be a new player that had sold PLEX to get your 8 billion. I’m not sure how you could be in eve for 10 years and be unaware of such things.


In EVE you learn most things the hard way. Consider this an expensive lesson.

I have lost ships due to stupidity, one time I even rage quit for a while (lost 5B at the time, earned 1 Trillion later and realized what a tiny amount that is, so yeah, just forget these 8B) , but EVE always brings you back. It is unique because of players freedom to mess with you in every way. Stuff like that happens every day, but you won’t hear about it very often.

Time to wake up. Read, learn, adapt.

“Never duel anyone but your alt” … hell I don’t even trust them in this game…


EVE is a harsh place where most players gravitate towards roleplaying pirate. I’m sorry you lost your stuff, but nothing that happened in your encounter is against the game rules.

Complaining publicly in forums only fuels the sociopathic behaviour of your attackers. Write their name down in a piece of paper, make a bit of money, pay a mercenary corporation that you know has a beef against them, and watch them suffer losses without knowing why. Or just gg and get back on your feet, and be more careful next time, or not.

Sometimes I think that highsec is a bit too safe most of the time, which lures players to a false sense of total safety that only really makes you an easier prey. Look at the killboards for gankers, join anti-ganking intelligence channels, and learn to protect yourself. There are ways to avoid danger. Alternatively just write it off as an operational loss. Losing ships builds character and makes you more resilient. The worst that can be done about it is complaining in the forums against CCP. You will just make yourself a target.

Have fun, and don’t take it too seriously. o7


What you did was the irl equivalent of signing off on agreeing to doctor assisted suicide and being surprised that the doctor actually killed you O.o

Which is illegal in most of the world.

The OP was obviously terminally stupid in his actions, but it does highlight the fact that this game can have real-world consequences. Plenty of folks buy their ISK with Plex. The OP effectively lost $100 if he is a Plex buyer. Governments are only just waking up to the problem-gambling-like behaviours in online gaming. Sadly, we will see tighter regulation in the near future because of those who are easily outwitted or have addiction issues.

CCP just puts sand in the box, it’s up to the players to decide what to do with it. It’s why most of us play this game, I don’t want some risk free adventure, if I wanted that I’d go play a single player game with endless continues. There’s a steam sale right now I could pick from 100s of games like that.

If you want justice you need to go out and get it. Get some friends in destroyers and go gank the bump mach, or go bait them into bumping you again, then get some friends remote rep you while some more gank the gankers.


Congrats! You have had a real Eve experience, I haven’t had one since 2012. I envy you sir.

Everyone else has said the important things about trust and risk, but to answer these questions:

A duel is simply mutual permission to take aggressive action against each other without CONCORD interference.

What if someone wants to host a tournament field with abandoned ships for the participants to switch between, or play some sort of system-spanning game of “tag”, while minimizing third-party interference that might appear in low/null?

I imagine that players would abuse this by trying to cancel right before dying, hoping that either their opponent’s safeties are not-green and they get CONCORDed, or even that server lag fails to decycle their weapons before green safety prevents the last hit.

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Welcome to EVE.

No crime was committed. You accepted a duel and lost. Somebody tricked you into fighting them but thats why there’s that pop up that tells you what can happen if you accept a duel.

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If you think about it, I did help you.


This is rather unfortunate man. You lost a bowhead worth 8b to some person who tried to web you but then instead dropped a battleship on you. These types of scams are what is ruining the game. I do hope CCP does something about this. How can you trust anyone in the game if people who seem to have good intentions and offer help just lie to your face like that?

I feel for you man. I really do. If you reach out to me I think we can do something about your lost bowhead. I’m sure the code treasury has plenty to replace everything you lost. I’ll personally ask the Code treasurer to approve your claim as well. Just get in touch with me and we can see what we can do for you.

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