I grinded ISK with an alpha and bought omega

You can choose not to recognise an authority, but that doesn’t make it less so.

Going to totally disagree with you here.
Something clearly can be an authority for some people and not for others, unless given its status by someone with the POWER to grant authority.

Both institutions are recognised authorities, including by the Welsh government.

Official recognition by a government grants the status - at least for those that recognize THAT government as an Authority…

–Gadget recognizes herself as an authority for all internet matters

Edit --my autocorect keeps trying to correct ‘recognize’
Think I got all your spellings back to British

I tried to make a guide for how to do this. It should still work after Nov 14th

You had a goal, when you reached that goal the mystique of it disappeared giving rise to a lack of interest. If your playstyle is to work towards a goal choose one that is more difficult to obtain for instance “I will be top 50 in PVP”, “I will grind 100B a day” (an option for those with very few time constraints), “I will own a Silver Magnate”, etc etc… Eve being a sandbox means that with imagination there are a plethora of activities available. That being said Eve is really about who you fly with. There is only so much to enjoy solo. That is not to say that there is not good solo content in game but for most of us flying with others is a far more enjoyable experience. What you end up with is a virtual community working towards a similar goal. This is what keeps a fair amount of people in here for years. If your are debating continuing playing I would heartily suggest you to find a more time constructive activity frankly. Unless you are in serious need of human connection if the game doesn’t speak to you go read a book or learn meditation. Or you could technically do all three simultaneously depending on your playstyle. I set a goal of one trillion isk early on and it kept me busy for quite a while but flying with others is what is most enjoyable. I hope that helps.

Kind regards,



You had a goal. You fulfilled it. Now what?

Either find a new, much grander goal, or start doing things purely for fun.

Two things can be true at the same time.

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