I have accidentaly set ultra wide resolution and now I can't change it back

Help (this is my screen). Can’t even navigate to esc menu.

Press F11 to go into Windowed mode then use the top of the window to drag it to the right so you can get to the settings?

I think it is already set to ‘borderless window’ so can’t use f11 or drag the top of it

You could perhaps manually edit or delete the settings file?

This thread might help

That is for the client settings, but I gotta imagine the launcher settings are nearby

The immeasurable joys of CCP’s new UI just keep on giving.

Try Alt Enter to force the window into Window mode (not borderless window mode).

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I have no idea how.

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The Yule Lad CCP Window Peeper saw your window problem. :stuck_out_tongue: