I invited new players :)

Venture should be able to warp off grid when the -10.0 security status catas show up. With 0 skills it warps in 6 seconds, which is definitely longer than it takes catalysts to land and lock your venture.

Although I loved the irony in @Optimus_Maximus answer, for real @Alaan_Johnston best start is to go to a newbie corp in NULL sec and learn stuff, tackle people with free ships and train your skills.

When you understand the basics, you won’t be mining, mining is a schema for people who know how to do it. Leave it alone, for your sake.

Edit: You can also apply to High Sec newbie corps, but null is cooler.

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did you know that 10 minutes after logging in for the first time ever?

Sorry, I didn’t know you were new.

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You’re not going to get very far with that attitude.

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why didn’t you have them go through the tutorial and the career agents?


Why would anyone do those when the allure of grinding a mining laser while watching netflix and then getting ganked is so much easier and takes a lot less effort?


what would you know?

Like others have said, the tutorial teaches players how to mine and ganking is not allowed in those systems.

But like i said, it seems like your friends wouldn’t have ever liked eve since ganking is a very important part of how the game works.

It’s better they learn the truth about eve sooner than later.


a lot more than you apparently. he could have provided a better platform for your wife and friends to stick to the game than you did.


doubt it, they wanted to play with me as they have played games with me for over 20 years. the victim blaming on these forums is on left wing twitter levels.

Seems to me, this game isn’t for you, or your friends. My I suggest Farmville?

Oh, can I have your stuff before you biomass?


As I stated earlier, I wanted to play with my friends who were far ahead of me on skills and knowledge of the game, but they refused to let me until i went through the career agents to get a grip on how the game works, once i did that, i was able to join them.

What you should have done, is created a new character and you all run the career agents together to understand the gameplay a lot better.


I like the game, what are you on about you creep?

Now we know the real reason why your “friends” left.


And now you’re equating normal gameplay to victimisation.

When you take someones piece in a chess game, are they a victim? Is it victim blaming to say they should have read the game rules before playing with strangers?


Good advice, for some reason people are considering me a seasoned veteran when I am only a beginner myself who would like some friends to come along and enjoy the game with me. Solid advice Thank you. I did not realise you could not be attacked while doing career missions. Maybe I can have them return and try that path now that someone has told me.

you cant multibot in chess

You didn’t say that in your knee jerk post.

How does that make a difference?

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and if your chess teacher kept checkmating you without telling you how the pieces even moved you would learn nothing, and quit.