I, King Amaarian, wish to become The Holder of Zinkon

For I have gone by many names, punished to this land, upheld by the values that I act upon and sworn by my own hand to rejuvenate the Amarrian empire. But most importantly, I am King Amaarian and I know one day I shall rule the lands in which I help create.

Here I stand, asking to be apart of something greater, something that I have said since the first day of my alliances creation, that I will become apart of the lore. I ask upon you, Empress Catiz Tash-Murkon I, to bestow the burdens upon my soul and allow me to become the Holder of the Kor-Azor system of Zinkon.

For in your name I have helped reclaimed a region which was lost, Providence, and put Amarrian rulers back in charge, and it was for I who lead the charge against the angel cartel, my former brothers, to save the fleet of Amarrian Men and Woman at my side for the safety of Kouromonen.

I am a man, worthy of nothing but the ship I fly with the people who stand at my side such as my noble scribe, Aunou Mileghere, and my defender, Puokka Saraki, given the time and power and I believe it is time I take my ventures farther upon these lands for the greater good of the Amarr Empire.

  • King Amaarian
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wasnt you in angelmil for like 2 months

like I said, my former brothers.

dick ah

jk i love yall

This is surprisingly well written, and I support you on your journey towards this goal!
/ An “Old” Friend