I like the market changes

So he buys hundred ships and fits them.
Then what?

Where’s the loyal/desperate manpower?

I see where you are coming from.

But Im not meaning the krab itself using the tools. The krab through no direction of its own alters supply and demand, having control over the costs of others.

Yeah I dunno, its probably nothing really to go on. My original comment was really more on the ridiculouslessness of the other person saying that Communists were the only people who would like the change.

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Probably USAmerican.
Just look at the post: No paragraphs at all.
That’s not a smart person.

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Btw … how are you doing?

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Yeah Im okay. Been a little rougher around this way that usual but, yeah not too bad. Using the extra time to get on with practical things, as much as every game on the net is trying to use up my time.

Hope you and yours are ok x

We’re alright here. To be fair, it’s not much different for me than usually,
but I could be somewhere else near the sea right now.
Paying rent for an appartment for nothing. :smiley:

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You mean you did not,so nobody else had to?

Well again,luckily for all of us you do not decide what others are allowed to have fun with…

Reading all this comments i must really say it’s funny how some(always the same few guys btw) are like ‘only I play the game right,anybody has fun with activities i don’t like or have fun with are strange,obviously mental ill,persons who should be forced to do what i have fun with(exaggerated)’.

This is so funny because the same people accuse ME of the same…

I smell double standards here…

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Quote or stfu, troll.

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You just blame yourself and prove me right,stop posting please before you hurt yourself :slight_smile:

And i will not quote the whole thread…

No, I mean there is literally nothing about 0.01 ISK wars that could possibly be classified as “fun” by any normal definition of the word.

YOUR opinion,nothing else…others have an and will have another one…

Beside what YOU may think what YOU find ‘funny’ is not counting globally…

Just accept this simple fact…

Fun and funny are not the same thing.

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The new market rules has its pros and it has its cons. Just don’t think it’s competitive.


Sorry, nothing changed for me.

I don’t get why you think it impacted people that much. it did not impact eg me at all. even the volume is the same, otherwise I would need to buy bunches of BPOs - which I did not.

I’m just saying, you are wrong. The impact on the game was not the apocalyptic one people were predicting. The change was just fine.

Maybe a bit more income, but the difference is very low, and correlation does not imply causation. Maybe it’s covid !

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Definitely the guys with more assets and accounts will benefit much more from these changes. It’s effective to make not one 1B ISK order, but 4 250M ISK orders on different accoutns and modify them randomly, and as rare as possibly, to be always on top, just to fit the daily trading volume.

CCP is building a multibox-centric game, which is bad. It is widely used in PVE, PVP, Hauling, Industry and Mining areas. Now it will be the only core mechanic to survive in Trading.

And the main issue, as for me, these changes doesn’t fit the generic status of the game, they aren’t balanced with other parts of the game which are already nerfed or changed in the bad way.

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Actually I did. It also broke me and I basically burned out twice because of it, but hey!

This new system works very well for cheap or high volume items. The problem with the new market lies in high(er) value, slower moving items. They can get blocked very easily tying up 100’s of billions of isk.

Take your 1.1 billion and go buy a Pith A or B invul. adaptive shield resist and see how well you do. :slight_smile:

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I have to admit getting charged 25 million in fees just for a 2 mil adjustment was kind of shocking. its not enough that I paid 200 mil to set up my order in the first place?

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