I now feel that I have been wardecked 12 March and 14 April


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I wasn’t named Olaf when I was once created.

CCP wouldn’t have allowed it, obviously. Trademarked character names and all that.

Yeah they don’t really do anything to prevent that. I’ve typed tons of trademarked character names into the search box in-game and they are all taken…

Maybe he isn’t really Olaf, then.

I think Olaf would enjoy Eve.

Every possible variation of COVID 19 is also already taken

Even xxX1337 Death Virus DDoS 19Xxx ?

Nah uh I enjoy New Eden

Every player of EVE needs to see this toon’s picture at least one time. Quite possibly the funniest and most fitting I’ve ever seen. ManFace MissileTits. You can thank me later…

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Looks fine, hey Sailors o/

How about a Man Bear Pig?

/btw we’re creating alts for this kill for skills event to keep things on topic.

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