I PVE to pay for PVP, but I want to PVP solo... pointless?

It is possible, and a lot of fun. You’re both down to structure, less than 25%. Down to the wire. Who’s going to pop first?

I’ve had a few handful of fights like that. It’s exhilarating. Won a couple. Lost a couple.

Then you are delusional. My joy comes from single combat against people who want to fight and can fight. Your joy comes from throwing catalyst swarms at clueless people. We are not the same.

Like that

That is the crack all Lowsec solo pilots yearn for






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Needs more stories regarding to those screenshots and were those taken right before losing?

/I have to congratulate your friends for sending you those screenshots btw!

This is how you PvP


And sometimes both sides go pop!
It is rare, but it happens.

No, I just really enjoy solo frigate PVP.

All of those were taken a few seconds after I won the fights, with the exception of the Caracal Navy one. That one got taken when he initiated the self destruct. Sometimes people had friends coming and I had to warp out before taking a picture.

was on the way to give you a heart for this. i like the mindset, was thinking this might become a frenemy if we ever met in space. then i figured this must be a nirvana hookbill because 2x bcu and and immediately regretted it… caldari scum

I don’t use Nirvanas, no. The 2x BCU one is a fit I learned from https://zkillboard.com/character/93835314/ . Commonly referred to as the Grease Payn Hookbill. It differs from the Suitonia Hookbill in the sense that it makes some sacrifices to free up all 3 rig slots for shield resists. Then you can undock one with EM-EM-Therm rigs for Laser boats, or one with Therm-Therm-Kin for Hybrid boats, or one with Therm-Therm-Explo for Damaviks.

And this was the moment I learned it from him: Caldari Navy Hookbill | Grease Payn | Killmail | zKillboard . I was derping around in my kite Condor and he slid into me. Then after I got through his shield some blues warped in and whored on the killmail. Was a sad day.

Then over the years I realized that I couldn’t be bothered to have 3 different hookbill fits for the same job, and switched to the Suitonia fit.

I see a lot of people doing dual shield extender fits, but what they often fail to realize is that it takes up so many mid slots that they lose the ability to lock their opponent’s movement down. Then you get stuff like Svipul | Lile Alfin | Killmail | zKillboard because your weapons can’t track the target due to a lack of webs.

But no, I generally don’t tend to use drugs or implants, and if I see a fun fight like that Rifter from earlier, I will downship.

pretty sure he uses nirvanas, as most ppl do with the 2x bcu fit. reshiping for every fight to get a hardcounter, or the best possible resist profile when you already fly the arguably strongest scramkiting ship is also something i dislike, like all the uber sweaty tryhard stuff. nevertheless some good effort from you (at least for a calamari).

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Those dirty rotten internet humping scoundrels

Don’t know if he uses implants, didn’t feel like it when I fought him.

Also, my brother in squid, you literally graduated from the State War Academy.

I think that a mistake people often make is assuming that the Hookbill is only good for scramkiting. It does not use the tracking mechanics, so you can in fact get under people’s guns with a 500 meter orbit and an overheated AB pretty effectively, and you absolutely should if you run into a turret hull with no hull bonus to tracking. Most of the time I gain my edge by understanding the game’s application mechanics, nothing more.

fr, fr.

Train to fly a Jackdaw.

where did you read that? scram kiting is certainly not the only win condition for a shield buffer rocket hookbill, thats one of the reasons why she is so strong, or too strong. i think a lot ppl assume this, because its writen in the frigate yearbook. which is still a great piece of information, even if it lacks some stuff.

thats probably the least clumsy zkill flame i ever got. though, how does my killboard relate to the posts i made, why is it relevant? either you understand the essence of my posts, or you dont. cant be bothered to deal with the forum creeps when i log in, so i use a forum alt.

while the hull bonus can affect this decision, the turret type does it in the first place. cant blame you for this, its probably a state war academy issue, or because the hookbill is so strong it often doesnt matter.

I’m a fan of your label you had shared with us on this general forum.

Perhaps I don’t belong here as my friend is creepy but together we share a common interest here.

I agree with you. I think the Frigate Yearbook is far too basic. A FW pilot should know how to apply brawl fits, scramkite fits, kite fits, tackle fits (for solo), bunker fits and longbow fits to any hull.

I have not mentioned your zkill.

It is true that I am more likely to do it to people using Laser turrets because their tracking is very poor, but the tracking of Neutrons with voids, and 200mms with Hail, is also inadequate. Especially if the pilot is piloting poorly, and fail to put webs in their mids.

The EVE forums are an open platform for any player to discuss stuff.

I mean, somebody somewhere does.

Hell yes it is. Damn it can be hard to find too!

For solo you absolutely have to embrace the Filaments. Trying to get fights in the turbo camped blob central border null systems is pointless, that’s where all the Caps and camps are. You gotta filament into the ass end of nowhere, find a nearby ESS with money in it using the Agency, then go stir things up there. Pochven express to get home, assuming you live.
You still get blobbed, but you get blobbed in a much less organized manner with less people which lets you pick people off.

Also if you fly blingy stuff people will join blobs just to get on the killmail. Fly cheap, fly ships people underestimate and assume are free kills even when they’re actually pretty good.


That sounds like far more of a pain in the ass than setting up shop in a Lowsec system that is both a part of a narrow pipe, and also a Frontline system under FW mechanics. Those two things combined provide a near constant trickle of opponents in the shape of oplexers and roamers.

Both are valid. It’s just that some people enjoy being in a controlled (to a degree) environment where they have the “home advantage” in terms of Bookmarks, scouting alts and optimised location (like a pipe), others just enjoy “roaming the sandbox” more to see what randomness they will run in to. One isn’t better or “more fun” than the other in and of itself, it’s personal preference.