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Weekly Galactic News Roundup: November 9th


BREAKING: I-RED Assets Seized Across Intaki Prime
Selenna Solange • YC124.11.09

Intaki, Placid - Following the massive Federation invasion of Intaki and surrounding systems, I-RED has found itself in a tough situation with regards to its planetary holdings on Intaki Prime. A number of facilities have been swarmed and overwhelmed by the Federation forces; these assets have been temporarily seized by the Federation military, with personnel being arrested.

There are still many other facilities which have yet to fall to the encroaching Federation forces. For some others, their status is not yet known because of ongoing communication disruptions to planetside dwellers.

I-RED operates many different types of facilities all across Intaki Prime, from resource harvesting outposts to warehouses to manufacturing plants to even public service infrastructure. In an interesting twist, a number of railgun emplacements which were leased to the Intaki Assembly militia forces by I-RED following the Lai Dai Protection Service raids on Intaki some years ago were also seized by the Federation Armed Forces. Some turrets were outright targeted and destroyed during the initial waves of invasion. It is not known at this time if the Federation military was aware that these gun batteries were being operated by the Intaki.

Despite the ongoing communications disruptions, I-RED is doing what they can to update personnel across all the remaining facilities on the planet. I-RED personnel are being ordered to stand down and abandon the facilities. Furthermore, I-RED is working in conjunction with Caldari State military forces to re-establish uninterrupted communications in order to ensure everyone is informed of the most current status of the ongoing situation.

BREAKING: I-RED Directorship Hosts Emergency Meeting Regarding Viriette Operations
Selenna Solange • YC124.11.08

VV-VCR, Syndicate - Shortly after the primary diplomat of I-RED, Julianni Avala, released an official press release regarding the invasion of Intaki by the Gallente Federation, the Directorship of I-RED convened in an emergency session. The primary topic of discussion was, of course, how to respond to the massive Federation Navy assault in Viriette and Fislipesnes. Details were not immediately made available to the general public, but the following brief statement was made.

“The Directorship is aware of the ongoing chaotic situation in Intaki and the adjacent systems. A massive communications disruption across multiple systems is making it particularly difficult to maintain contact with personnel on the ground. Actions are in motion and I-RED is mobilizing the full force of our reserve fleets for immediate future operations. More details will follow in the coming days.”

The exact nature of the future operations have not been detailed. However, observers will note a massive mobilization of reserve fleets across the 98Q Superpocket in Syndicate. I-RED capitals and jump freighters have also been seen increasingly. Meanwhile, mandatory orders of activation of military service have been enacted for registered reserve forces under I-RED.

BREAKING: Ongoing Communication Disruption Contributes to Death Count
Koren Akko • YC124.11.09

Intaki, Placid - As part of the Federation’s invasion, communications with planetside assets have been disrupted. The resulting disruption has proven to be useful to the Federation military in some ways, but detrimental in others. On one hand, it has allowed the Federation the element of surprise in many instances, with many Caldari State personnel being completely unaware of what was going on and unable to react in a prompt manner. On the other hand, they have also contributed to a growing death count as Caldari State personnel who catch wind of what is going on assume their orders are to engage the Federation forces.

Precisely this has occurred in a number of I-RED-managed facilities across Intaki Prime. Some outposts engaged the invading Federation armed forces despite being massively outnumbered. Reports are still unconfirmed at this time, but it is believed that some other I-RED security forces - bolstered by remnants of Caldari State militia forces - have begun guerrilla warfare against the occupying Federation armed forces. These operations currently run contrary to what has been officially ordered by the I-RED Directorship, but continued difficulties with establishing secure communications have contributed to a delay in the orders getting out to stand down and retreat.

In one particularly tragic event, a fortification far in the outskirts of Navyii Akat was besieged by Federation forces. The Federation managed to push the defending State forces into a nearby Intaki town where casualties mounted not only of Federation and State forces, but of local Intaki civilians. A cease-fire in the town has since been established, and a Sisters of Eve relief taskforce has reportedly managed to deploy to the area to provide assistance.

In other news…

• I-RED Internal Watch forces amp up presence around customs offices

• Unconfirmed reports of increased response times for emergency calls aboard I-RED structures; awaiting Internal Watch comment

• Mindclash charity tournament indefinitely postponed due to multiple players withdrawing, citing concerns for safety

• Significantly increased traffic at Combine TNR Meeting Venue in Hatakani

• Syndicate popstar Stellaria cancels remaining shows of her Stars All Out tour citing safety concerns and turmoil in Placid region

• Reported leaks about disagreement between I-RED Executor and Board of Directors on how to handle ongoing Placid situation