I decided to do some solo mining in low sec, spent an hour or more scanning for gas and found nothing. I went back to dock and grabbed my mining lasers. I picked a kernite deposit and started mining. Opened help chat to see, if there was anyone I could assist.
I have my view set to ALT+1 to see better, when another venture enters the belt. I assumed they freaked out by my venture and left. Shortly after that a cruiser enters and I am thinking I better warp back to dock. No. He runs away too. I am beginning to think they are planning something. About 10 more minutes pass by and my hold is getting full. Then a destroyer pops into the grid. I am turning off my lasers about to warp, when they warp out.
Am I that scary? I really wish I knew, what the heck the three of them were doing out there. Still pondering it.
Have fun!
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The Venture Pilot was returning to the belt to retrieve their container of ore.
The cruiser pilot was passing through looking for belt rats.
The destroyer pilot on the other had was looking chasing the venture who just left.
The second Venture, cruiser and destroyer were probably all bots… Almost certainly the second Venture.
Maybe they all were Frostpacker alts and got mesmerized by your yellow suit as it is one of their fetish. 

No one wants to mess with royal authority
There’s nothing more terrifying in low sec than a lone Venture mining in the middle of nowhere.
I love all of these and the top 3 I like the most are;
I don’t wish to give away my mining grounds, but it wasn’t like it was Ahbazon, it was rather remote and out of the traffic lanes. Well one load of kernite is better than nothing at all. I will head back later and look for gas again. Hopefully they are just as compromising as before.
Have fun!
No…he’s doing what I have often done. When belt ratting I don’t warp to the belt landing point…I warp to maybe 30km from it and see if there are any rats there or if any spawn. If any are there then I have the range to blap them. If none are there…I move on to the next belt. Nothing sinister is going on…its not you I am after.