That violence has ceased and negotiations have begun is indeed a spark of hope in a dark time. Perhaps, as tensions ease and emotions temper the next few days can be a productive step toward a brighter future.
I commend I-RED for its continuing effort to see past the battlelines and strive for something more, even if we are not always in agreement on what that is.
Respectfully, what laws are you referring to? The ones that let bloodlusty privateers profit off the blood from all sides of this conflict? Or maybe the ones that allow known Provist and Templis terrorists remain in militia ranks?
I-RED has a duty to act to protect the lives and assets of ourselves, our megacorporation, and the State - we are doing just that.
It is also worth noting that prisoners may be taken in any situation that causes a threat to one group or another. This is common of all factions, regardless of most circumstances.
An example would be Gallente criminals taken into custody who placed attacked I-RED personnel in Caldari space, just as I’m sure any Federation-aligned group would take Caldari criminals into custody for the same reasoning.
The prisoners in question do not necessarily have to have been taken into custody during the situation in Intaki.
It has been brought to my attention from a few sources that a gate is currently being constructed in the system of Intaki by the Federation.
What this will mean for the system remains to be seen. I find myself wondering if the people of Intaki were aware. I also find myself wondering exactly where it is this gate may lead, and for what purpose it is being done. Is it to better connect Intaki to the Federation? Is it being done to forcefully connect the system as a way for the Federation Navy to move freely?
This is all speculation, but the situation is increasingly concerning. I thought others may want to know it is there, as I do not see much traffic coming through here anymore, at least around this time of day.
It is indeed a curiosity. The continued silence regarding the situation doesn’t help.
I would prefer to believe that this may be an effort to allow quicker deployment of police, security and naval forces in case of an emergency response so that a standing military presence will be less necessary; a way to accommodate the Intaki Assembly’s preference for a minimal navy presence while rectifying the security risk potential.
I am not ignorant that I am being hopefully optimistic.