I regret to inform that we still don't die enough

The reference might be incorrect on my part. By hardcore, I mean those unlisted requirements hindered by a challenging learning curve. It’s that kind of hardcore.
BTW, I truly believe the complexity has reached a point in which it also, contributes to the lack of destruction.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s incorrect, just not suitable as reason to be generalized.

You are right on spot and the evolution you describe must be quite similar to many high rollers. But I believe it applies to any career or gaming style.

I’d like to note that a fat wallet reduces anxiety on the battlefield. You are right!

Maybe if we had a mechanism to reduce the drama, at least on the first dozen encounters… It would be a relief for anxiety. Something like a no-loss confrontation set of chances for all pilots and then offered only to beginners. Dunno

Why is that statement never applied to gankers ? I mean, they are surely the ultimate ’ I’m alright, Jack’ bunch of people exploiting not only the economy but other people’s time and money. They are the ultimate leeches of Eve…yet perversely they seek to twist it all round so its those nasty lazy capitalist miners who are the leeches. Gankers pretending they are Robin Hood…on par with burglars pretending they are helping you with home security !

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The very simple answer is that gankers are the last bastion of defense left against unchecked, runaway inflation, and a such they are performing a valuable community service, as opposed to damaging the community for personal gain.

Kind of like how spiders eat flies and help the world not be covered in flies, or how lions will eats gazelles so that their populations are controlled and all the grassy fields aren’t turned into dry, barren wastelands.

Gankers aren’t Robin Hood. They operate in their own interests. But gankers share a symbiotic relationship with the community, and help it ward off invasive species/diseases (i.e. the carebears farming out all the systems and glut-■■■■■■■ the economy).


While gankers do indeed exploit the time and money of (certain*) other players, I would say they mostly have a positive effect on the economy in multiple ways.

  • The EVE circular economy heavily depends on destruction, gankers supply that destruction in high sec.
  • Activities in high sec space like hauling and mining still have some value because it isn’t possible to mine and haul completely afk without risks.
  • Due to the risk of ganks, the ‘max ISK/ore per hour’ fit with 0 defences and maximum yield, cargo or dps isn’t the default fit for high sec players, which means fitting still is a risk assesment unique to players rather than a solved meta - which keeps those activities profitable.

*Certain other players, because a lot of players know how not to get ganked, or how to severely reduce the risk of getting ganked.

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Whilst there’s undoubtedly some who never PvP and who just hoard ever growing piles of ISK, you’d probably find ( certainly with new people ) that most avoid PvP because they simply don’t feel ready for it. Eve is unlike a lot of games where things ‘level up’ and you start out shooting wood pixies and end up with some ultimate boss to beat. In Eve the boss is there from the get go.

It doesn’t exactly help that’s there’s no where one can even practice one’s combat skills first with PvE…without being ganked :slight_smile:

The ‘Pvp readiness fallacy’, I know reading about that on day one when I joined EVE. It’s on the big chart of EVE careers.

You’ll never be ready for PvP if you don’t try PvP. And you’re ready to try it day one.

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The whole inflation thing is a myth. And I can tell you precisely why…

Sure, gankers destroy stuff…and destruction runs the whole Eve economy. BUT…the very existence of gankers themselves is the source of production of endless shield enhancers, rigs, cloaking devices, yada yada, that people would not buy in highsec but for the ganker threat.

There are vastly more of those shield enhancers, etc, that DON’T get destroyed by gankers than those that do. Thus gankers are not curing inflation…they are actually causing it ! They are the cause of most of the production that needs destroying in the first place, and they only destroy a small part of that.

So the end product of gankers is…more ‘stuff’ in Eve than ever before.

Wait, are you serious?

Gankers cause production and don’t destroy enough of it? What? :confused:

So you’re saying that if ganking didn’t exist, all of these PvE bears would stop playing the game because they wouldn’t have an outlet for their economic output?

Thanks for reinforcing what we’ve been saying all these years. :sunglasses:

Oh, yes gankers love to see themselves as Darwinian lions culling the herds of stupid wildebeast. But its all nonsense.

Lions have no option but to hunt…otherwise they starve. Gankers are not thus constrained. You won’t see a starving ganker begging on a street corner in Jita. I mean…they could swallow some pride ( excuse the pun ) and go join all those ‘lazy, AFK, stupid, yada yada…stereotypes’ miners couldn’t they !

No…lions are WAY too high up the food chain to compare with gankers. Try…leeches.

Im running the calculations on how much over production is caused by gankers fitting shield extenders to their ganking ships…

Error: cannot divide by zero

This is a video game. No one is constrained in any way. We’re all here by choice, and we all do what we enjoy doing (otherwise we wouldn’t be here). For some of us, it’s mining asteroids for many hours every day. For others, it’s killing asteroid miners for many hours every day. And for some people, it’s blowing up a throwaway alt so that they can pretend to get offended on the forums. No one starves in EVE Online. :sunglasses:

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Of course. Almost a quarter of the value of my Proc, for example, is stuff that is there ONLY because of gankers. That is true of most Procs. That means that for every four Procs out there, there is an entire extra Proc’s worth of value that is generated by gankers themselves.

So even if gankers destroyed half of all the Procs in Eve…there would still be half a Proc’s worth of value in existence that was caused to exist by gankers themselves. Thus gankers cannot be anything other than inflationary…causing stuff to exist that would not otherwise exist, and not destroying all of it.

I consider this continued lie to be tantamount to griefing. You have been warned.

I’m loving this train of thought, actually.

But you need to further elaborate on what would happen if ganking didn’t exist, in terms of what the PvEers would do/build in the game.

Will the repercussions I face happen on the forums, in-game, in real life, or a combination of some or all of the three?

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Just make items decay naturally. You know…like they do in that world of lions are tigers you are so fond of. Bye bye gankers :slight_smile:

Oh, that’s a very old idea. It’'s been discussed to death already. The grand majority of carebears are highly against it.

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Last time this person went on this angle, they claimed a sold shield extender was taken out of the Market (isk sinked) and that Plex generated isk from nothing.

Im just glad to see they actually did listen when I told them they were wrong.

Now they are being wrong in a whole different way.

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Well it’s an obvious false flag operation, but it’s based on some interesting postulations that haven’t been explored before, so I’m enjoying it.

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