I still feel like the "stare at dscan for 45 minutes" meta game doesn't respect my time

Do you have an official EVE article for this? Or is it some bs you made up? Because It sounds like bs.

Especially this part.

Or maybe I should say that last part is defiantly bs, but I was curious if there was any official lore in what you said.

Now that’s an interesting idea. Dscan pings alerting people to your presence, and maybe blooming your signature radius making it easier to get a warpable signature. And it would also alert all players within the range that someone is using dscan to ping the area.

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I’m Aiko Danuja. Everything I say is official canon lore.


Right, so bs. Figured as much.

Good work with the technobabble though, some of it was at least plausible.

Good work crying about it.

Thank you, I’ve always wanted some recognition for my tears.

I wasn’t actually being sarcastic about the technobabble comment though. I can always appreciate creative flair.

It’s not technobabble. It’s basic science.

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I’m not sure I’d ever trust your “science.”

Calm down miner.

That’s right!

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If dscan required fuel to operate, I wonder how many people would be upset.


1 Plex only, please.

Per scan. :wink:


I suppose that’s one way to address the p2w complaints. Just embrace them fully. lol.

SCOPE: PLEX has risen from 5 million to 20 billion after some changes to ship mechanics were introduced by the SCC.

#nopoors :face_with_monocle:

Btw alternatively PLEX could be consumed for a supercharged d-scan function that has a 1000 AU range, per scan of course. It could be the equivalent of golden ammo. :innocent: :psyccp:

And blows up everything in the system? Including stations.

Don’t be silly, this is not WoT. :stuck_out_tongue:


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ok… only half of everything in the system.

Sounds reasonable but only if you buy some CCP NFTs in exchange, maybe ones with an F1 monkey picture. :blush:

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