I think this shows eve perfectly in 1 screen shot

No, it wasn’t. In no way or form was it meant to save this game and i must ask you to stop believing corporate propaganda. Whenever you read reasons in a devblog you have to remember that they’re simply throwing something at us that they hope will work best. Sometimes, of course, they don’t even care about that.

Reasons are nothing but words used to keep people compliant. They do not need to be true, factual or smart. All they need is getting a desired reaction by a crowd both big and dumb enough.

In no way or form could have anyone, who has any understanding of people, figursd that skill injectors and microtransactions would save EVE. No, keeping a dieing body artificially alive isn’t saving it. Targetting the dumbfucks of the world to milk them out of their money doesn’t save EVE either.

It’s really not rocket science.
In no way or form was it hard to understand the points of these changes.
In no way or form is it hard to see the thread, on which CCP is dragging EVE along.

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Where did I state I personally believed it would work ?

It was “meant to” from CCP’s eyes. Not mine.

Alphas and Injectors should never have existed, imo.

I dont think they have ever stated that but totally agree on tradable skills.

Its reduced Billy to…

Oh wait. He was like that before.

It wasn’t actually obvious that it wasn’t your personal opinion, sorry I’m not up to date about your posting history. None the less, I can guarantee you that even from CCP’s perspective it was never meant to save EVE. It was meant to increase income, which might translate into EVE running for longer, but that still doesn’t save it.

Hell, understand this: Marketing (yes) claimed that it’s supposed to save the game, leaving out the most important detail: That that would mean EVE needs to be saved from the very things CCP’s upper management caused to happen in the first place!

You’re absolutely right. Alphas and Injectors should have never existed. The whole line of releases starting with Retribution shouldn’t have existed. People wouldn’t have quit in masses back then and over the years, if they hadn’t gone down that road.

That road, where it started.

We both know where the whole situation is going to end. Either CCP backs out of this, making a 180, or they’ll lose the game to indifferent Farmers only caring about their drugfix, consequentially killing it.

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Alpha’s are becoming less of a problem with the skill nerf to drone’s its a very decent fix, people being able to try Eve out for free is a good thing, the initial cost of eve tied with no idea what your buying is a bit of a barrier to entry, the alpha program bypasses that and allows people to give it a try before buying in, its not really meant for people to play as alpha for the rest of their life so having only level 3 skills is still fine for alpha in my opinion.

Skill injectors need to go up in price on the plex store so that it costs more to extract/inject than its worth so that it becomes unprofitable to have huge skill farm’s.

The side effect of injected skill points costing more can only benefit the game more as less new titans will be born in the same period as now, super’s/Titan’s need a giant kick up the ass as they are putting a giant blockade in front of all confrontations, no one likes being stuck in traffic especially when that traffic comes with doomsday’s and hopelessness.

You say that and I disagree.

Too many people who play, without being willing to pay, don’t actually value the product.

That’s a ■■■■■■■ fact. If they would value the product, they would be paying. There are tons of people out there who refuse to pay a single dime, who feel absolutely entitled to not only playing, but also to demanding ■■■■.

I don’t ■■■■■■■ know what’s wrong in their heads, but these people are a horror to deal with.

While I agree with the Skill Injectors, out of nowhere suddenly it’s about Titans. While the mental leap isn’t wrong per se, jumping from “skill injectors are bad for the game (as a whole)” to “titans (specifically)” is quite the achievement.


Yea I agree, that’s why I was confused when all of a sudden alpha’s could use ton’s of t2 stuff, but I guess with support skills to 3 it’s not terrible but these players need to see it for what it is an extended trail not a life style.

CCP is now locked into the model of ships (Titan’s), and skill injectors as part of their business model, to remove them would seriously change the landscape in an unknown way and that means it could effect their bottom line so that won’t happen overnight but over years if ever.

It’s not so much CCP’s fault as it is our fault because most don’t want to risk their shiny even tho many have plenty.

But that’s the thing: To them it is a life style.

There is literally nothing you can do to change that,
because it’s exactly like that for every other game.

And dare I say CCP would be stupid trying, because there’s some huge cash cows waiting to be milked. The “ftp” market exists solely because there’s idiots who “play for free” while at the same time throwing money at the product. Tiny amounts of money sum up to a huge pile of cash eventually.

It absolutely is their fault, because they themselves caused this situation to happen. It started long before Skill Injectors, with the Retribution release. From then on the game slowly went downhill, with CCP more and more aiming for the whales, cash cows, instant gratifaction morons, isolationists, weak willied and safe spacers.

CCP is deliberately attacting donkeys, who constantly hunt the carrot. Back then CCP called it “expanding the fanbase”, while what it actually meant was “shitting on the players who actually grew this game.”

When CCP are the ones who made sure more of the current crop of players enter the game, then the current situation absolutely is CCP’s fault.

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Again I do not say they are blameless but it is a business model, they must follow the money and it is much harder to keep people in the game especially with all the options out there now, yes there will always be a group out there that suffers and usually it is the people who laid the groundwork, those that came after came because “candyland” and yes no amount of sweets will satisfy them, but that’s people and there’s no way around it we just got to learn to carve out something for ourselves and adapt.

WH space can be that old eve because if two or three corporations of medium size all cram themselves into a hole (say C-5/6), and all have to fight to build their empires from the resources within then things will become heated for resources, sounds silly but it is up to players to carve out something.


The game had PLENTY of players and, more importantly,
before they decided to ruin it!

In the long run it was an insanely stupid business decision!

This just proves that you’re not actually getting it. You’re thinking of these people as intelligent, thoughtful and creative beings. They’re not. They’re donkeys hunting carrots.

Consumers don’t “carve out something”.
They require others to do it for them.
They only consume.
They don’t create.

It’s hard for people that don’t pvp to see this, I remember when brave staged out of Poitot I think it was ■■■■ that was amazing content everyone from all other regions would come for some action miss that so much now you have to go searching for countless hours and all you find are instant docking ratters.

And killing Vni’s is not the most fun content.

The player base have been declining/at best stagnated over the past years. So I’d say, that is quite a bad business model.

I agree with Solstice that CCP have been trying to attract a different demographic and been trying to change the game to support that. However, the game is still just bad, even to attract enough of that demographic. There exists way too many other and better options for people out there.

CCP should try to focus on objectively improving their game, instead of making changes to cater to specific player groups. The intertia of players keeping up their subs, together with their love and memories of eve moments, will only last so long, until people realize what an atrocious state the current game is in and with seemingly no attention from CCP to fix that.

I couldn’t agree more, except the difference is that I actually am accounting for “human”, more then anything I would say I am a self described misanthrope so humans are not very high on the list of things I like, however the reality is they are (like it or not), part of that reality, I can’t escape the vast majority like I’d like to, I can choose to become more bitter about it or just learn to carve out something for myself, got to wonder why many people spend time and money trying to impress people they don’t know nor want to know and never look within to why they have that need, humans, a contradiction in logical behaviour, both love and hate them at the same time.

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Who do you think I am, Jesus?
I’ve worked in sales for over two decades! LOL

See, I like that about you.
You can choose. They can not.
You’re doing it right.

I could write about this stuff all day.

Here we’d dive into companies big and small paying scientists, spending hundreds of billions over decades on research aiming at figuring out how to get people to want to buy something they don’t need.

Another way to look at it is:
How to prevent someone from from evaluating the need of a good.

Yet another way is:
How to prevent people from thinking.

Though considering that we’re way beyond the first generation that had to suffer from this manipulation, I’d say that “preventing people from thinking” isn’t actually needed anymore.

Strongly related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4yIxUOWrtw

If you haven’t played the original DOOM 1 and DOOM 2,
then you should get to it!

I strongly recommend classic 80s games, too. Arcade games especially. There’s an emulator called MAME, which is actually a whole ecosystem of arcade machines and games being emulated on the PC.

The difference between games back then and now is frightening.

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No, it isn’t


be removed from the game.

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There is that option as well hahahahahaha

FC of was taking a bio break/thumbing his smartphone/changing a diaper? The chicken’s body was waiting for its head to come back?