I warned you guys. But you didn't listen

The game mechanics favor the blue donut.

Do people really believe the BOB ceased to exist?

And that the fruit from its poisoned vine didn’t re-emerge under a new banner?

The so-called roundup was far from complete.

This is absolutely hilarious, if you think “the big blocs” are getting what they want.

I can tell you from every discord, voice, in game channel - every place where I can converse with other players who live in null and are in those alliances, almost every single one of us is upset with CCPs direction.

We are absolutely not getting even close to what we want.

What we want is to spend most of our time and effort doing fun things, and not spend most of our time and effort grinding. Frankly I would hope that we all want that, for ourselves and each other, regardless of what space we live in.

It is a myth, a convenient one at that, but a myth nonetheless, that the null blocs control CCP.


The beauty of Eve is you do not have to remain as a small group indefinitely. You can join bigger corps or start an alliance with others. Bring in more players who want to fight the bigger sov holders and eventually you can start making headway and taking their areas over. Strategy, Tactics, Patience, Communication, etc.

The only other option might be a limit on how many corps can be in an alliance or how many players in an alliance total. But even then, for small groups to have a chance they need to join with others to make a dent :confused:

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From my perspective CCP seems to go in the direction it wants. Regardless of what anyone has to say on the matter. Look at Equinox. The then CSM said this would not be a great idea. CCP said alright and went back to their cubby holes. Then we got we got in Equinox. Which according to some CSM members. They did try to tell CCP that this was still not the great idea they thought it was.

Why we even have a CSM I have pondered every now and again. Did Equinox make some people happy. I guess so. But it didn’t do much for anyone else. NullSec or any Sec for that matter has the ear of CCP. The large alliances and coalitions’ can throw their weight around in the game. That is almost a given. But when it comes to Having the ear of CCP. Even Goonswarm Pandemic to name two. Are at the same mercy of CCP that the rest of us are.

Goonswarm just moved out of Delve in part because what was expected to happen. Didn’t. Namely beefing up and making Low and Nullsec more attractive. So Goonswarm scratched their heads and said fine. We move into system closer to our enemies and do it that way.

This latest expansion did squat for nullsec. Sure we have mercenary dens and two shiny ships with a new weapon system and ammo (pods). But in all seriousness it did not address the things that players and the CSM have been pushing for years for in the first place.

Which to tell the truth not many gaming companies seem to do anyways.I play in an other game and it’s the same bloody way. The company pushes out an expansion. Says it will be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Turns out the expansion while nice in some ways never seems to really give what the players really wanted anyways. Some shiny pretties. Maybe a new rac or class. Plus some nerfs that no one asked for. While beefing up things no one wanted.

What we are facing here is not, in my opinion, CCP listening to one set of players over another. It is an institutional mindset that seems to have that attitude. Players do not know what they really want and therefore we are going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. All the while saying it’s just some players griefing and they will get over it.

After some or a lot do rage quit. But the game continues on as new player invariably come in or returning players try the game again. And the whole cycle repeats itself.

How to break that cycle is a good question. Wish I had an answer. As of right now, rage quitting is not working.

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New potential players join <<< old players leaving. This is dead end balance.
We clearly see that playerbase dropping down even after slight boost in 2018-2020.

Only way to solve it - increase the space, increase systems number at least by one order of magnitude

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I’m sorry but when a restaurant has too few customers the solution isn’t to make it bigger but to advertise, hire a better chef and staff and do discounts.
Adding more systems isn’t going to do anything.


When you come to the restuarant, other visitors not taking your food by force, not kicking you out because you dont want to sit with them over their table.


@Mr_Raven_101 So you’re saying that EVE is bleeding players because of other players destroying ships and structures and taking all the space. Ok
And your solution is to create more space… and then you’re back to square one once the extra space is conquered. All you’ve done then is kicked the can farther down the road, no lasting solution can come from that.

Eventually Eve Online will become stagnant as the Null Block alliances gain so much power, no one will ever be able to defeat the other.

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If add enought space - it will reduce player density and PB’s couldn’t take it. They then should decide which space is in proirity.

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@Mr_Raven_101 So instead of having 2 or 3 super alliances you will end up with 4 or 6 super alliances and you’re back to square one with not enough space and a bit more players… maybe.
I think it would be better to let CCP figure it out although I say that a game full of botters, multiboxers and RMTers isn’t so attractive to new players… just saying.


You could always go out and hunt for MTUs?

It wouldnt be a blue donut anyway.


@Mr_Raven_101 I don’t know enough about the game to say what it would be, blue doughnut or red cupcake, I just reply to you according to my limited flawed knowledge, not smart but kind of slow actually. Could very well be I’m entirely wrong but it’s just the way I see things.
I simply don’t see how doubling the number of solar systems will help anything.

Not doubling. Least minimun for effect is 5x more system.

If everyone had their litte spot in the sun how would you generate conflict? Conflict is the wheel that makes New Eden go round and CCP profitable. Without conflict the game dies.

Blue donut = no conflicts = game dies.

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Honestly I used to think that adding more systems would be the answer but these days I dont anymore. What I advocate now more than adding systems is adding more dynamic stuff within each system. Adding stuff beyond the usual solar planes that interacts with players and creates a dynamic sec system within each system. Where the further out you go, even in high or low, there is environments, NPCs, sites, etc that are progressively more dangerous outside of the usual solar planes. Some will instantly kill you to warp to, others will overwhelm you slowly while others more quickly, some will handsomely reward you. All the while the further out you go the lower the sec will drop as you enter the pockets and grids creating living and breathing systems that are dangerous and rewarding in their own rights.
Using the new NPC AI I think this is very viable, how it would interact with the older code of the static systems natures might be problematic but worth looking at. I think packing more into the systems and making them almost limitless in size, given current server technology, would be a way of making it more vibrant and deadly.
Designing new ships, probes, and ways to interact with the new and dynamic “landscape” of a system would be a game changer imo. CCP always talks about creating more terrain, that terrain could be AUs of gas clouds that damage ships unless you run the maze, or deadly NPC AI ships that will rip all but the heartiest ships apart in seconds, or minutes while you race for rewards and fight as sec status drops differently in each pocket, all the while buffs and debuffs hit different pockets and areas in swirling storm clouds, or maybe dropping local to nothing but grid exploration or messing with Dscan ranges.

I think the possibilities would be endless and only up to balancing and coding issues.

But thats just me…


An EVE player displaying critical thinking skills? Well done.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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That probably would work, but… When Equinox released, Blocks have major dillema with a lot of things, like bridges, production.
And what then?! They just go and cry to it’s daddy CCP, and all bottlenecks was reverted to a comfort (for Blocks) values.
Any balancing values will always be tweak for the Blocks good.

Only fundamental static change for everyone, like system numbers, can fix current situation.