Your responses suggest you care a great deal.

Here is what it says:

Experience space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles and a thriving player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox.

Participate in many in-game professions and activities, including war, politics, piracy, trading, and exploration, across 7,000 star systems with hundreds of thousands of other players.

It does not say that PVP permiates the entire game. It treats PVP as separate from PVE. Further, it says “PVP battles”. Ganks are not battles just like a mugging is not a war.

Yeah it says “piracy” but high security areas are not places that piracy happens or that place is immediately downgraded from its high security status.

The truth of EVE is hidden behind fast talk and BS. It seems to me its not that you CAN’T see it, its that you WON’T see it.

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Surely the storied history of this game coupled with its frequent media attention is enough publicity that most new players have an idea of what they are getting themselves into?

The game is notorious for gaining media attention relating in game currency with real life $ just emphasize the impact of the loss.


Honestly I highly doubt warning signs and consent forms all over everything is going to prevent Eve from happening in Eve.

Doesn’t matter if it’s ganking or “honorable pvp”. There are human players on either side, thus pvp sub-categorized as ganking.

Ganking totally is piracy. Maybe not many players romanticized version of piracy but it’s definitely piracy. Maybe terrorism is another good name for it. Yes. I am a pirate that enjoys casual terrorism.

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It mentions PvP, skirmishes, and piracy. Therefore, someone getting EVE can have a reasonable expectation that they will be exposed to violent conflict with other players. Furthermore, “piracy” is a very specific term, and no one reasonable would expect anyone on the receiving end of piracy to be a willing subject. “Oh boy, I can’t wait to be held at gunpoint for ransom and/or killed anyway even if I comply!” said no video game player ever. Anyone reading about the presence of PvP and piracy in a video game will reasonably either react by saying “hm, something to watch out for!” or “can’t wait to give that a shot!”

Meanwhile, no one walking past a basketball court would have a reasonable expectation that they would be intentionally assaulted with a basketball.

I don’t know why you’re doubling down on this argument. Sometimes it’s best to simply admit that you’re wrong.

Ganks are battles for which you weren’t prepared. Your example doesn’t work because you’re trying to equate two things (a sanctioned action in a video game and a real-life criminal act) that are fundamentally at odds with one another. Once again, you’re downloading and playing a game that advertises PvP and piracy. You’re consenting to a game experience in which those mechanics are present. You are not consenting to being mugged on the street.

Just stop.

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I’m not sure what Gnosis miner Ridley Renly hopes to accomplish here.

Obviously, since we are not CCP employees, we cannot possibly address his concerns. So he can feel free to submit a support ticket, but this discussion is a total waste of time.

His line of reasoning was so flawed and indefensible this time around that I think that he realized this, and kept doubling down on it simply because not doing so would make him a laughingstock. I mean carebears are generally wrong, but at least it’s possible to construct some kind of logical narrative around an anti-PvP argument that remotely makes sense. What he tried to do here, however, was genuine lunacy.

Thier are players there who influence the game without other players knowing it. This is a sandbox and some players play politics in the game. This are the most dangerous players in eve online. They manage to bring down the mittani.

It is absurd to assume that media attention and forum stories are quite enough to ensure all new EVE players understand the drill.

Look, everyone, this is very simple.

I suggested an undocking pop up that would legitimize the common claim that “undocking is consent to PVP, including being ganked randomly”.

Yet all I am getting is cold feet on the idea, ad hominem, and “not touching that with a ten foot pole” responses. Conclusions can be drawn as to why that it is. And those conclusions speak to the heart of the thread.

We don’t need pop-ups.

We need a tutorial that isn’t absolute rubbish.

No it really isn’t. Eve Online is the most popular space MMORPG and the nature of the game is highly publicized. A simple Google search of “What is Eve Online” directs curious minds to read some Reddit threads that break down the “Eve Online experience”. The Eve-University wiki is also shown which contains information available for prospective players to learn of Eve Online.

Lastly we have our in-game community efforts… the rookie help channel. There you have people like Mike Azariah answering questions and giving sound advice such as the age old “Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose”.


Eve Online is a game that definitely has many reputations. Think of how even people that don’t play Eve call it “spreadsheets in space” and that the game is more hardcore than your average MMO. The tales of old like Hulkageddon… burn Jita… The Corp thefts, awoxong, spying… all these things are features of that game that anyone that’s dedicated any real effort into researching the game they are about to play should know and see.

So to answer you where you elude to us just wanting to bully and grief. I think we just want a collective player base that is at least intelligent enough to have the agency to do a few quick and easy Google searches. The desire for Eve to be compared to a swimming pool with very little shallow end. A game that brings out the best in those that choose to not be ignorant or lazy.

So no I don’t think pop ups are needed. In fact we already have them with this Edencom ■■■■■■■■ and how many people still die out of stupidity, laziness, and/or they clicked to not show that warning box again… yet they will complain anyway.

I’m know Eve needs new blood but not at the expense of what the game has turned into at this point… and you want to dilute it further. Imagine that. As if we aren’t theme park’d enough.

So you want new players to get a popup warning, “Are you sure you want to undock?”

Ok, but this isn’t the suggestions forum, so maybe you should go be ridiculed there?

Anyway I played eve yesterday afternoon and using extreme violence I helped stop HSG from ganking someone’s cargo ship then did some exploration then I had to log off .

You do know you can play Eve anyway you like right , your way or my way is neither right or wrong.


Don’t you actually start the game already undocked?

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Right, but Ridley/Renly wants a warning when you start:

“Are you sure you want to play EVE Online?”


I think its impossible for anyone else to enter that space.

But would they hurt?

Regardless, the grief given over such a simple idea is going a long way to prove a point. Trust me, there are a crapton of people out there about to try EVE that have no idea how demented some of you all are. They may have lived sheltered lives while some of you were kicked in the head with a steel toed boot on Christmas day as children, but they still deserve a proper heads up.

Personal attack

Personal attack

Well that was a bit different. That became a ganking assist for one thing. Then there was the fact that Trigs in high sec broke so many established norms of this game. The pop up message was rather inadequate IMHO.

Yes they would. As explained in my post above. Further coddling adds nothing good to the game except to dumb down an already pretty stupid player base compared to pre-2012.


Is it really that hard to separate this game and the personalities and roles we fill from real life? See? Even you stoop to our level with personal attacks. Glad to see you’re showing your true colors as well.

How is “some of you” a personal attack? Because you decided to own it?

I see you even decided to parse the “some of you” on the last quote. I guess you really needed to own that one. Do you remember what year Christmas that was?

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Please stop triggering me. This is a SAFE space.