So you are saying that; you are against name change becouse…
1 : you dont have this little “mini game” in your investigating work…?
2: you have missed that which have been said over and over, that name changes should have their old name in their info…? for eternity or just for x amount of time
When in a video game people are identified by a name, and this name changes, it is impossible to recognise this person by their name only.
If I want to recognise people without relying on secondary information such as info windows or third party tools, I would not recognise this person by their name.
Also if you had read my first post in this thread, you would know that I do have experience with name changes in games.
its also quite impossible to recognize and remember 100 000 players name.
thus, you will hafto rely on thirdparty tools and “secondary information”.
sure 100 000 players will not visit your space home, but a new player will occasionaly pop by, and in those instances you rely on tools and “2nd info”.
nothing changes more then you just hafto re-do your investigative work again… and you even admit you like that. You are against this name changing policy just becouse your lazy.
ps. if the “new name” is already on grid with you, sorry but his name and your personal knowledge of him is not gonna safe you… if you know him or not is not relevant in the fight…
if its relavant, well then its relavant for your enemy aswell, and he will have taken precaution against that, that player is playing under a diffrent name, becouse he just injected or bought a new alt.
you are ALREADY right now, at the same disadvantage you claim a name change certficate would impose.
What if no names would ever show up until you looked for someone’s info, and everyone’s just called ‘calcari pilot 12351231’ or similar when showing their name in local and in chat windows.
If what you say is true, that shouldn’t matter as we can easily look up their real name in the info window. Or are you too lazy?
Still to this very end every “no” reason so far in this thred for a re-nameing certificate is hollow and illogical… and just boils down to expressing negativity.
all while refusing to understand that the “re-naming certificate” is already live… but only for people with alot of isk/irl $.
the extreme scenario that everyone use the the certificate and somehow picks the exact same name only diffrent by a number?
or the extreme scenario that ccp thinks everyone should be named exactley the same?
no sorry, its not an “extreme” value of the all the values. its simply not on the same scale.
The argument “it’s possible in real life” is being used in a frame that’s supposed to suggest it’s easy and simple to have ones real life name changed. That’s pure nonsense. If it was, people would be changing their names all the time. There would be plenty of communities of people who changed their real life names to whatever they believe defines them. Like anime names.
The argument “it’s possible in real life” is invalid. Things being possible does not mean they should be done, or that these things aren’t deliberately made complicated to deterr people from doing it. Changing ones real life name is not like changing the name on your door. There’s a whole ecosystem out there based on personal data, with names being one of the most important.
The governmental beaurocracy involved to have your name changed is gigantic. It’s not just a single change in a database. Yet this still pales in comparison, though, to the private sector. Thousands of companies “know your name” one way or another.
Every time you get an ad in your mail, there’s at least one company knowing your name. Every time you use your credit card, loyalty card, social security number, get a new passport, get an ID, buy a car, use a digital coupon combined with your credit card, register to an online site or service where your real name is required, et cetera, et cetera and far more, there’s your name involved in one way or another. All these entities responsible for both society and the economy to keep working have to change their databases because of a name change.
The OP has no actual idea of the dimensions of this.
I’m not aware having once in this thread put this argument on the table.
Actually i don’t think i’ve taken once any real life exampe as an argument at all in this thread.
I rarely do this, if not never, to compare real life and in game life.
As far as the “dimension of this” is concerned, i’m not very sure what it is you are refering to.
If it was the fact that in real life, “changing a name is a bureaucracic nightmare”, built intentionally that way to “deterr” people from doing it, well then, be reassured…
My original post have been changed multiple times to add multiple ideas to harden the prerequisites to be able to have access to a Name Change Certificate :
It’s up to CCP to decide how hard it should be.
There are ways to “deterr” people from doing it, but most of all, to prevent, if not forbid people to do it multiple times, and use it as a tool to spoil other players experience or for intelligence purposes.
In sweden its allowed and really easy.
You send for a form and then fill it in and mail it back. pooof new first and last name.
1 name change is free of charge from the goverment. after that name change cost around 300$. however there are some sur-names that are restricted and you are only allowed to change into those if you have a close relation. Also, there are some re-naming policys ex. your not allowed to rename into something offensive.
I dont belive you!
and also i really dont care if there was such an “ecosystem”.
Anyone investing in that ecosystem, other then to recognize friends, is just plain stupid.
ALSO drumroll for the 1000th time!!
the ones connected to that so called “ecosystem of names” can keep their old name!
Again, for the 1000th time!
if they do decide to change, the “used to be known as…” in their info page crush any validity to your so called “abolishment of name ecosystem is bad” - argument
as (Hillmar, i think?) said in the latest broadcast: “elite players in eve all have around 9 accounts”
who are you trying to fool, saying that EVE names are important…
no way you can name all character names of player x.
To prevent squatters, set requirement for monthly isk payment to Concord to keep the new name.
Failure to meet payment will result in additional penalty fee, and email warning.
Failure to meet payment for 3 months will result in reverting to original name and losing the new name.
Payment is 50% discounted for players active within the month, 100% for players inactive within the month.
And to spice up some controversy, allow name transfer certificates to be player created, bought and sold. Anyone who consumes the certificate will acquire the name of the maker.
EVE is different because gullible players ignore the Character Bazaar and pretend that the human behind the char is always the same and therefore think name change is a way to hide a bad rep?