[IDEA] Name Change Certificate

I ask that you please refer to me as ID: 10000010306
That is my given name.

Sure thing PAD.

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Personally I would love to have any option to change my name, but you need to have a history (which was mentioned). For reference my name was after a Magic the Gathering card, but I no longer play that game, so would love to change my name. Just my 2 cents

You mean those consequences of chossing the wrong skill or wrong “carrieer” ?
This consequence that can be forgotten with Skill Injectors and Extractors ?

You mean those consequences of forgetting to upgrade a clone and loosing skills ?
This consequences that is erased from the game since 3 or more years now ?

You mean those consequences of being dedicated to a game that you need to buy a monthly fee ?
Which is no more either.

And so on, and so on,…

Once again, changing one’s name won’t change one’s past.
And there are already other means in the game for a “spy” or assimilated to achieve his goal.
Means way more effective than a Name Change Certificate would be with all the restrictive options i’ve listed that CCP could apply…

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My thoughts- a name change item would be nice. This way, if I buy a character on the bazaar with a stupid name, I can change it. I do not like many of the names. Having said that, I just rolled new characters so I get to give them a name I like. In practice, I do not think I would actually use a name change item.

Hypothetically, if one were to be added, I think it only needs to meet two requirements.

  • Cash grab for CCP.
  • Add name change entry to the employment history tab.
  • Optionally, tie it to a character transfer. Must use within something like 48 hours or 30 days of character transfer.
  • Optionally, limit to once per year or have it consume a remap in addition to the item.

Obviously, the above will do nothing to make people happy who do not want to see name changes.

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This is a great idea eve would sure sell alot of plex lol

i would LOVE to be able to change my name
even if it was only usable once or twice per character ever

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pay 5000 plex and you can change your little name.

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I agree about allowing name changing.

Names being recognizable due to notoriety is a bit of a red herring:

Characters can be sold on Character Bazaar and a replacement bought.

It’s only the very memorable characters that have name recognition anyway. The people with real infamy would probably like to keep it anyway, due to being “space famous”.
Therefore, it would likely only be unknowns using the feature.

Someone can drain a character with skill extractors, biomass them and then create a new character and inject them back. Yep they would lose some, but they could replace the lost ones with additional skill injectors.

This change doesn’t even need an additional tab in the character sheet, just do what they do with a bazaar sale, and put an entry in the employment history.

If you have standings set for a character that has since changed their name, then it could show (aka. [previous name]) next to them in local on your client. (This would only happen if you have their previous name in your contacts list).

CCP will earn money for an easy name change.
People who chose their name 15 years ago and always hated it can scratch that itch they’ve always had.

The only argument I can see against it that has real merit is CCP will spend dev time in implementing it… but I would think it would pay for itself in 6 months.


They already have the ability to do name changes internally, the GMs can do it.

I think simple name change would be a small update script to the table.

However, to include a history and beyond that a search on it and additionally API, that is already significantly more effort.

if you also consider all the sites like ZKill and Evewho should then also be adapted, even if not by CCP itself, I do not know if it’s a good idea.

So I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, I can understand it well, especially if you can anyway traid the characters via the bazaar, on the other hand, I do not think that simply maintaining the standing would treat the relationship with some individuals equally.

I have a few names in my head that I immediately identify as spy or “bad player” and I don’t want those players to get different names with the same char so that I can’t immediately recognize them.

I have a whole bunch of locals I watch out for but I don’t count on name, I use the standings icons.

Yes, but as @you_are_evil said, we would probably need more than a simple name change.
My suggestions to successfully implement this, with little fallout:

  1. If you have a character’s previous name in your address book, show “aka. Previous Name” or “(Previous Name)” wherever the character name is shown in the UI.

  2. Rename “Employment History” tab in character sheet to “History”, and add any name changes to the history.

  3. Limit name changes to once a year as you do with remaps.

Point 1 above should alleviate the concerns some players have about name recognition. If someone cares about a character, they should add them to their address book.
This would also likely take the biggest development effort to implement.

Point 2 is already used in Character Bazaar sales, so it makes sense to add it here, so you can never “Run away from your history”.

Point 3 would prevent tons of name changes appearing in the history and clogging it up, because some guy likes changing his name once a week… although I’m sure CCP won’t mind the PLEX sales!

Could even be once life time. :slight_smile:

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Address book and standing colour are useful yes, but there is so much more information that you cannot record… Like how that player acts in previous situations.

If I remember fighing CMDR_Coward in previous engagements and he always try’s to bring in remote rep alts if the fight is going bad, I can modify how I go about fighting him in our next engagement.
I cannot record this in the address book… if he changes his name then next time he attacks me, he has effectively wiped this reputation.

So with name changes… while someone is burning towards me, i have to spend time opening their bio, click on the history tab to check if they used to have a different name that i recognize.

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On the surface this is a simple and obviously desirable thing, as significant to the individual player as their entire bio. But under the surface there are so many issues to consider.

I have not read the entire 3 and a half year old thread so I am not claiming any of this is original, just what I would support.

Without going into too much detail my image of this would be as follows:

  1. You have two months from character creation to change your name once and forever. I know this is totally opposite of many posts here where it would only be an older character that can. But while I can easily see innocent reasons for name changes on young characters, I tend to see suspect reasons for older players.

  2. The name change would be listed prominently in your character sheet and information window called up by other players.

  3. The name change would be reflected in the “selected item” window. But considering how many issues CCP has had with kill rights in that window, this point may be asking too much.

  4. Maybe instead of suggestion three, when a name is clicked in local or on overview , the box will cycle both names, either in a ticker type fashion scrolling left to right, or flashing one name then the other.

  5. Or instead of the above a changed name in local and in overview could have an icon next to it to reflect a changed name.

Points 2 to 5 could also be used for older character name changes but this next one would be most useful for them:

  1. If a character or any corp that character been in is in your contact list, you WILL NOT see the new name in local or overview until you MANUALLY allow the change. Any such name will have an icon indicating a change so you will know and/or behave point 4 above. So while you may be confused by use of another name in conversations, such as local chat conversations, you will never be in a combat situation where you don’t know who is there.
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And again.

What would you do if that CMDR_Coward bought a character in the Bazar or created a brand new toon ?

Forbiding it ?
You’d paused the game ?
“Pause ! Pause ! I don’t know you, you have no rights to engage me, i have to make research first !!”.


  1. This first point totally ruins the entire original idea…
    When you think about it. Freshly created toons can be deleted and rebuild easily as there is so few skill points invested that it really doesn’t mean anything to biomass and redo…
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We already have a display for a transfer, which is really more important because that means it may not be the same player anymore.

Keep it simple, add the name change history to that display and move on, collect casholas.

The reputation, kill rights and all of that will reflect the new name.

Other restrictions are just “customer punishment”.

Well personally I don’t really think the Bazzar is a good idea either, but its a nesseccary evil, as players are going to buy and sell characters anyway. At least it is monitored and controlled by CCP.

But your argument is basically saying, “there is one way people can wipe their reputation, so why not allow another”

Stacking bad ideas on other bad ideas, does not make good game development.

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