[IDEA] Name Change Certificate

Yeah, because why say anything constructive when others already have, right?
“I dun’know, I’m just again’it” vOv

Also, nice strawman argument there, such a pity you ain’t smart.

Love your constant pseudo white knighting though. Keep up the good work.

Quoting @ISD_Sakimura

A character’s name could be compared to a person’s social security number (the number that everyone is given at birth, may vary from country to country but it serves the same purpose) which is a unique identifier that can’t be changed no matte how much you may want to. You may chance the way you look, your name, where you live and so on, but your social security number will always remain the same.

CCP’s primary argument against name change is that your name is you , it’s your reputation and choices, and it follows you while you build your reputation in EVE.

People who don’t have a reputation don’t care about their name.

Which is utter nonesense - your name could be compared to your SSN…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Your social security number could be compared to your Character ID, not your name itself.

I disagree. For most people will never have a reputation no matter their choices or what they do otherwise.
Not to mention that CCP is also betraying this argument by allowing character transfers.

Which would be around 99.99% of the player base. 10 people knowing you from around the area your in doesn’t mean you have a reputation.
People who have a reputation in EVE are for the biggest part leaders of big alliances, AT players, outstanding FCs, streamers and/or youtubers. And even those people usually have multiple alts.
So which one of them has that reputation now? Well, none of them. Even if for example The Mittani would sell off or bio mass all his characters and create new ones he and with him all his alts would still be known as The Mittani (or not at all).

Therefor reputation barely means anything or nothing at all in the context of names or changing names and is a weak argument.

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Name change certificate is bad.

What @ISD_Sakimura is saying is a bad example.
What you could compare to Social Security Number is the Character_ID.
Nothing else.
Almost noone knows ones SSN in RL, just like almost noone knows ones character_ID in Eve?
It’s also a bad example to compare a game and real life.

As i said earlier, Characters can be sold, bought, ripped of skill points, reskilled, improved in skills, why not renamed ?
Because you might loose a 2M ISK Kestrel while plexing in FW around a beacon and you couldn’t “recognise” that very neutral character among a 15 men spike in local ?
Seriously ?


Precisely, like 99% of Eve Online players.
And YOU want those 99% players not to be able to change their names, because, reasons.


All in all.
If ‘reputation’ is the only argument against this idea, it shouldn’t be a problem at all for CCP to do it.

If we concider that streamers or youtubers are ‘known’, have a ‘reputation’, then, concidering also that those players have countless alts, and that their character doesn’t really reflects their ‘Online Name’ (Bjorn Bee = Romantic // Lucy Loo = iworstplayerever), while it’s still the same real person behind the screen…
I suggest to forbid those particular 1% of Eve Online players to ever play other characters at all, and that they should rename their, now unique character, to reflect their ‘Online Name’.

That would be a good idea right ?


You are confusing mechanics with reputation here. While the character ID does exist, the name is what everything gets attached to.
Sure, name changes are code possible. That doesn’t make them a good idea.

Well if you want to compare things, you must do it right.

In RL, people don’t make reputation on people’s SSN, but on Names.
That’s why most of the time, celebreties choose an ‘Artist’ name, wisely, carefully.
We can compare Eve Online Character names with RL Artists names, if you really, reeeally want to make that kind of comparisons… but not to SSNs…

There have been plenty of artists that changed their names along their carreers, writers for the most part.
Why not in a video game ?

Please name a few that didn’t change their names because they no longer wanted to be associated with the reputation of their old name?

There are plenty of reasons why ones would want to change its name.

I must point out though, that most of artists change their name from the first place already.
Rihanna, Jay’Z, Nicki Minaj, Pink, Lady Gaga, Adele, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne, Skrillex, Deadmau5, Eminem, etc…
That’s already something.

Then, and since i’ve aggreed to play the game, by comparing the uncomparable, if we state that ‘choosing an Eve Online game is comparable to choosing an artist name’, then i could give you 1 example of an artist name change :

  • Prince.

Though, i have specificly mentionned writers pen name, because it happens a lot, and because it is the only type of artist that is comparable to an Eve Online players : you don’t give a ■■■■ about how this writter looks like, you only want to read what he or she has wrote. Singers, or Actors is less comparable since their face matters way more.
First, females wanted to be recognized as writer, not as ‘female writer’, so most of them used male pen names.
Second, depending on the publisher, or the subject, or the genre, the same writer would easily choose a different name.

All that said, we can at least agree again, i hope so, that we’re not artists, but gamers.
Our in-game names are not changing our real life fate in any case, even for the most famous among us.
And among tens of thousands of Eve Online players, ones cannot possibly remember all of them.
I’ll add that only a very few among us would use this feature to try to mess with others, which would be easily countered by tools (third party tools), other new features (search engine displaying old names) and restrictions (only one change per X years, or even lifetime).

The unique reason against this Name Change Certificate is a Principle reason.
Nothing less, nothing more.
The “reputation arguement” is irrelevant.

oh really?

from CSM 15 guidelines

If you are running as an “alt” and you control a character that has a reputation in the EVE universe, CCP may require you to run under that identity at its full discretion.

reputation is everything in EVE. Granted if I sold my main, or @Mike_Azariah sold his character, the buyer cannot act like us, but hopefully they would continue in some shape form or fashion, our good reputation that we built up.

Now, i did find this for you all who so desperately want to change your name

From Hellmar himself.

Rename certificates. You had in the Chinese server, any chance to get here? Off course you get a paid service and an history.

This is something we’ve been considering for a while, especially when we’re in a position where players can buy and sell characters.

It’s not something that’s on a roadmap right now, but we’re looking at character services and what we can add to the New Eden Store in future, so there’s every chance this’ll become a thing some day!

Putting your old name on the employment history, which has often been suggested by the community is for example a great example of a design to address some of the issues name changes bring in a world like EVE.

You are talking about CSM.
Which is a political-like institution.
Which is in Real Life, with real people that will have to meet with real CCP’s Devs, in real world locations.
Which is also an important “marketing” thing for the game and CCP.

It is most of all, a way for CCP to prevent people running multiple times in CSM with different toons, and to avoid having people changing their in-game identity for running to CSM.

Yes, in this particular case, “reputation” matters, a very lot actually.
You are supposed to represent the players that had voted for you.
This is an other subject, for an other thread.

And, i’m not talking about the fact those CSM candidates are 40 players among 40k++ players.
Which is 0.1%.
The final CSM will have 10 members.
Which is 0.025%.


Not only would you forbid Name Change Certificate for no real reason other than a Principle one, but you would also force people buying characters to perpetuate its reputation ??
Don’t know why ‘Authoritarian’ comes in mind…

Yes, we do know about that.
In fact, if you had read the thread, multiple people are referring to this as an argument for this change. :slight_smile:
But, well, it’s CCP, and it’s more likely to happen in 5 years from this Hillmar “interview”.

Did you seriously just compare hoping someone doesn’t trash the rep of your beloved char to Hitler?

Seriously ?
Indeed, i did.

As i said, not only would he forbid Name Change Certificate, because 1% of the population has a “reputation”, but he would also force people to carry on with a reputation once the Character has been sold…

If you sold it, it’s not “beloved” anymore, right ?
How one could ever possibly imagine to have any rights at all on the character he just sold ?

How about you go back and actually read what was written, rather than inventing things to get mad at in your own head.

So according to you genocide is on par with not being able to change your name in a video game. Glad to know where we stand on things.

I have read carefully, and multiple times what he wrote.
And i maintain what i wrote.

The word “hopefully” doesn’t make it more acceptable in my eyes.
Once you have sold a character, it’s not yours anymore.

The very fact that he just “hopes”, in fact, just thinks about, any perpetuation of a given reputation once the character has been sold, reveals his will of control.

To me, it is not far from forcing people, and thus, not far from authority.

I won’t go into this GodWin’s Law with you. :wink:

Uhhhh you really need to stop and think about what you just wrote.
What you are claiming is that any desire for a particular outcome is instantly a super authoritarian action…
I mean, if that’s really what you are claiming it’s pointless trying to talk any further with you because your views are such a joke.

My “view” is based on two statements from him :

  • He’s willing to forbid 99% of Eve Online players to change their names, just because 1% of them has a “reputation”.
  • He’s willing the buyer perpetuates a character “reputation” after it has been sold.

Those, to me, are reflections of an authoritarian state of mind, yes.
Bye. :slight_smile: