[IDEA] Player Owned Hangar

A lot of industrialists create ALT corps to simplify trading between characters. If CCP wanted to make this easier or less risky, they would have done it years ago! For characters in different corporations you can station trade, contract or use the deliveries feature in Upwell structures. You can also anchor a secure container in a safe spot then give the bookmark and password to anyone you want. Be sure to access the container once a month or it will vanish. It may also vanish if you give the location to the wrong person!

  1. They are so, many, so many things that “CCP wants to make and did not years ago”…
    Also, you’re not part of CCP staff, and you have no ideas about their intentions.
  2. Or one can just combat probe and vanish it for you.
    Also, the biggest Secure Container has only 4k m3…

IMO “Alternative Corporations” with suitable limitations would be the best solution, but I think it would induce a lot more random resistance from existing players and/or CCP developers.

The same people will try to shut down your "Shared Hangar suggestion too, but its simplicity makes it harder to hide the “foundations of sand” any counter-argument has to be build on.

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Just a bump, since Bookmarks will use Access List to share them, exactly the way i thought to share this special hangar with others.

Right now it is a pain in the ass to transfer the simplest items to alts, especially on the same account.

Forcing them all into the same corp is just plain dumb, it prevents them from being in a real corp which is a major issue for EVE.

Major +1 on this.

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No, it looks like you didn’t even read the whole post.

You cannot direct trade with your alts on the same account.

What you are purposing isn’t a bad idea, but the implementation needs some work.

To provide another hanger that can be shared between characters would hopefully coincide with a revamp of the access control system in eve. It needs help.

However, even without out that such a hanger would be a great way to pull isk from the game.
For a flat fee of isk, perhaps increased by the number of characters that use it, a shared player hanger would be quite useful if only to industry players. It may even lower the server load caused by players moving mass assets between characters.

Not sure if it would be a huge amount of work time to just create a new Container based on the same Citadel and soon Bookmark Access List system ?

I’d say no.
But “Legacy Code” and all you know. :x

You could just use the deliver function to do it. Just right click, press deliver, write how many you want to give and who it is to, and they instantly get it.

That’s not the same purpose as my idea.

Deliver is :

  • One time only
  • One character only
  • Directly in this character item hangar
  • It’s a give thing, not a sharable thing

My idea is :

  • No clicks and menus and writing for each and every single thing i want to give or share.
  • To whoever is in the list
  • Is accessible to all characters in this list at anytime
  • The idea is to SHARE, not only to GIVE to a SINGLE char.

As i said, it’s just like a Corporation Hangar, but for ‘friend groups’, with an access list as they exist for Citadels.
You don’t need to be in the same Corporation or Alliance to access it, as long as you’re in the same station/citadel and that your name or corporation or alliance is in this Access List, you can put/see/pick.

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