Idea to get more people into Eve, more money to CCP and add an isk sink to the game: Personal Wormholes!

Here it goes:
1: Come up with some lore/mission that gives the player a bookmark to go and investigate and some mystical password/key. A world of carebear fluffiness lies ahead to be discovered and enjoyed!

  1. Player is presented with the opportunity to go in with his ship, but knowing nothing can come back. One-way WH lies ahead. Only podding oneself to home station will get you out / or clonejump if you built the infrastructure. But the player can shove in as much as he wants (ships/resources). Nothing out.

  2. Player can explore the WH (not much variation for possible systems - to spare developing effort at least to start; if profitable more can be developed).

  3. Player can start building structures, do missions (some lore NPC agents he can find or appear from time to time as events) – these things can be added later to keep people interested.

  4. Minecraft in Eve. You build stuff and battle NPC’s in anomalies. Hacking/archaeology sites give you blueprints for structures or other stuff to build and keep you immersed.

  5. Provide an option for players to buy their way through rewards (structures, upgrades) to keep CCP pockets happy and not affect the current Eve universe.

  6. Place stays safe haven safe as long as player doesn’t share the mystical password/key (to avoid unconsensual stuff from happening if probed at entry).

  7. Player can share the entry mystical password to others if he decides to make it a social experience. Obviously, he forfeits the safe haven as people will be people and ruin the fluffy experience. Not to fear, he can restart elsewhere.


  • recruiting more players into the game that are more risk adverse and can learn their way and get used to the mechanics
  • probably much larger pool of potential customers than current game can attract
  • stable extra income for CCP so this game goes on being profitable


  • temporarily drawing people out from nullsec or other spaces to check this out and investing their attention to the newly found safe haven.
  • Requiring more database space and computing power if it takes off. Eve subscriptions should cover this effort hopefully.
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Quite some of your ideas seem to be realized in EVE Frontier if i read CCPs website correctly. Unfortunately you seem to need to know how to program and know about cryptocurrency and whatnot. I hope it does not cannibalize EVEs players too much.

Never tried that game. Oh well… I felt creative tonight. Seems not original.

No wonder you haven’t played it yet. The beta started 2 days ago.

I like the overall idea and some of your suggestions could definitely be implemented…

However not for wormhole space, I think they would be much more appropriate for Jove space, especially since there’s Lore already associated with it…

We don’t need more ways for people to lock themselves away from others in complete safety.