Ideas for changes to mining

OP wants a buff without a compensation nerf. Ie. you keep current income and you increase it if you actually play the game and not just watch the game plaing itself.

Which doesn’t harm multiboxers in any way. As they can still actively mine on 1 account or maybe even more if they are good at it, and keep all others mining afk as before. So it is not bad in any way because this is again just a buff without compensation nerf. //Plus, because they are multiboxing they will always mine more/earn more ISK than solo miner anyway so they can just ignore it.

But I think that OP suggested this to be only buff because majority of the miners actually likes the fact it doesn’t need human input and would swarm the forums if he would suggested any kind of compensation nerf. So that is that…


Yea the danger is that mining is easily multi box’ed so that already put’s solo miners in a bad spot. An increase would have to come at the cost of more input.


Yah a blank hull with no tank could still die to NPCs Depends how many. Still takes ages. The passive shield regen is nothing.

Was that meant as a ganking nerf? or was it actually so people could afk vs npcs

Mining with a rorq and 4 or 5 hulks is defo not afk. Your bloddy active.
The problem is… in my opinion rating is so ■■■■ that aliances and corps cant afford the srp because if there is no ratting there is no income.
Miners dont really make isk for the groups. Ratting does.
Raters buy ship from indy peeps, indy peeps buy ore from miners… hence why mining is sorta ■■■■ income because ratters arnt ratting … aliances are poor so no wars.
All this means is a bloody boring game

So now everyone that wants to make money mining needs 5-6 accounts? This idea was geared toward those that only run one account and want to mine.

Yes EVE is a multibox game. Pretty much all changes that CCP did or rather lack of changes in content that would need it, screams to me with “we want you to sub another account”.

If you want to play only single account you need to accept that you will never be able to compete with those running two, five, tens accounts. That is to be expected. In most other games the gameplay is requires too many player input for multiboxing to be even a thing and so only multiboxers are botters who are banned. But EVE is a multiíboxing game.

The extra EHP for the mining ships? Before people could afk vs NPCs now they could too with minimal resists and some passive tank. That’s entirely beside the point. The main point was that the EHP/slots added was to increase the value of the ships for what you got. Mackinaws in particular are a great example. You bought like a 250mil ship and got barely what 35k EHP? Retriever is now a nice ship to use. Hulks and Corvetors are still glass tank along with retriever and mackinaw. No I didn’t see it as a ganking nerf. It has been a while since I did some fitting on the new mining ships also, but I hope I got my point across. I paid for a t2 ship I should get some semblance of “tank” CCP has reinforced that while still keeping the balance.

Ganking didn’t get nerfed only ships got slightly harder to kill. CCP was VERY careful and is always careful about adding EHP to ships and how they might affect ganking. Gankers do often deal with this and naturally they accept ships might get stronger or weaker.

So it was a ganking nerf. Thanks for proving this to us.

Well no gank-hater sees anything as a (enough) nerf to ganking. No need to tell us.

This statement is really something. You do realize that ganking is all about killing the ships? So if killing the ships is harder how is it not a nerf to ganking in your eyes?

What triggers me on this is that if I would, and I did, proposed some change that would indirectly and just very very slightly made mining a bit harder you would instantly swarm the forum with alts saying its a nerf of mining and as such it cannot be accepted. I mean, every buff for gankers such as mine proposal of removal of CONCORD pulling is instantly seen as a nerf to miners. Silly mentality.

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I don’t have any experience mining, and have all sorts of misconceptions about how it works, but I do know this -it is too easy and risk free, and the reward is way, way too high.

Hell, they’re even using alphas to mine.

Thus, I propose that all ore be removed from HS. Make them go do “real mining” in an actually dangerous area of space.

Besides boring and repetitive game play devoid of challenge and risk is the real reason for the outflow of new players in Eve. So, instead of funneling new players into the most boring activity in the game, let’s shove it into the corner, and throw a blanket over it.

I don’t know how you people keep coming to the conclusion i want a single miner to be able to compete with multiboxers. All this will do is make it not so mind numbingly boring to do and increase the reward a bit to compensate for the fact that it is now requiring your attention

“risk free”


This is what I don’t understand Sov null is jsut bad why not move the alliance to npc null the mining is still good, but the rat’s from missions are a lot better.

You make a good point that sov null is safer I guess Risk/reward coming into play.

Hmmm i have thought about sticking a toon out to npc space but on the balance of things npc space prob wont suit me. Im more indy/miner than a ratter tbh. Rorq mining in npc space is a bit unsafe to say the least.

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I have nothing to say about the content of this post. I just wanted to state I pictured it being typed with Small Kitty Paws and that amused me.

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Not willing to give up a mid-slot to a survey module, right now I run my lasers on the same rock on a 180 cycle to limit dead-time, and otherwise wait for rats, as I’d rather shoot something.

What I would like to see as a change in mining would be mining probes vs mining drones which would be launched onto the surface of the asteroid and blast chunks loose which would have to be targeted and tractored into hoppers which would feed rock-crushers within the ship which would feed the fine-stuff into bins. The crushers would be the parts which wore over time, delivering less dust as they did so, with the probes being as least as costly as mining drones and so worth retrieving. And more rats, interesting ones, along with ship ability to fit for the implied dual-role.

Just my response to “thoughts” and not a plea for a response of any kind,

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Go do your mining solo in low sec or Pochven. (or an unfriendly null sec region) You will get what you want (adrenaline) without additional dev time.

Wont get the isk thou its bad there lol, the only place that is good is null sec under an unbrella on a great moon with tons of buddies around.

Poch ore in anom’s should have the highest value as its the most dangerous by far, 5 to 10 times more dangerous to farm than anywhere else in the game.

Tell me you’ve never mined in Pochven without telling me you’ve never mined in Pochven.

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When poch first came out I mined in poch a bit and was chased off every 5min ish, well took about a week to grind the standings needed I guess so not exactly as it first came out.