Ideas Only

If you leave it open too long the mass gets too dense and collapses and forms a black hole sucking everything in haha.

Be aware, if you were to change the cyno to allowing a certain limit of mass through, all you do is push response fleets to shield ships.

If the idea was to slow capital ships, then upon jumping to the target, they had to warp onto the grid from the solar system edge, following normal rules for warp travel in systems?

This idea poses another problem, because the attackers can simply leave when they see the capital ships being called/arriving. Even the slowest battleship can warp away before the capitals would be able to do anything about it. Thus we have a two fold issue: How do you keep the risk for the attacking forces high while also slowing down capital response times?

It is an interesting conundrum, because the players will always choose the best way to both achieve their goal and escape with minimal losses. Currently, the only thing that keeps attackers in place is the warp disruption from initial activation of your offensive weapons upon structures. Otherwise, any ship without a something that keeps them from warping or an enemy/effect that keeps them from warping can simply stay aligned to an escape location and go at a moments notice. However if any attempt or mention of changing that is even considered, the outrage by the more combat focused eve player would be legendary.


Could always use a mass X signiture calulation to determine if a ship is small enough to enter :] that would balance armor and shield.

Would also give people who pimp out their fit an advantage getting into smaller holes.

Very good point, but If cyno mass increases the longer its open that would mean interceptor’s would be able to jump imidaitely and would have to hold the targets down until everyone else arives, the attacking force can ship down if they prefer to get in quicker.

If the attacking force want’s speed they can bring smaller ship’s if they want brute force they have to wait a bit. Or they can do multiple segmented force with a split between small / med and large ships entering at different times slowly escalating the fight.

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not quite, unless your bridging from a titan or blops.

Lacks continuity i think? and some systems are a lot bigger than others.

I think the general idea is that this sort of shift in how cynos would work would reduce the ‘hotdrop oclock’ effect to basically not being the be all and end all or the only response people field; instead of being the ‘go to’ response mechanic it would be reserved for when its actually needed…

and not for anything and everything that moves.

It would (imo) also make it a much more believable and whats the word… i cant think of the word, but i think you understand?

What you are suggesting requires the use of a titan bridge. Not everyone can do that, and not everyone wants to do that. I might argue that the ability to bridge should be available to faxes. Requiring support ships is a good thing, but even still that just means the small group without a rapid response force gets screwed.

Yet we have another problem: Capitals requiring support ships.
Lets say we have a fight between 60 vs 10. The 60 are in cruisers with logi, the 10 have any and every ship available. Let us assume they choose to deploy 4 supers, 3 fax, 2 huginn and 1 lachesis.
Even in this scenario, the defenders cannot win. Their support ships will explode to the attacking fleet of we can assume 40 DPS ships, their fighters cannot engage due to travel time and the attacking fleet having both range and probably jamming drones. Even if they could, the cruisers are likely assault cruisers and we can assume a dozen logi ships, so nothing in the attacking fleet should die.

And all these numbers are before the most recent balance patch.

The only simple solution I can think of is triage and possible logi ships need to provide their defenses to allied ships. Think of a warp disruption bubble, but instead it’s a projected shield or armor barrier that protects ships inside of it from damage, by applying it to the logi/fax first, or perhaps taking half of the projected damage. Would go a long way to preventing headshotting (that so many mega alliance people complain about) and would promote the usage of short ranged ships, as these would likely want to push themselves close to the enemy, thus bypassing the defensive screen.

But that’s just a potential solution to keeping friendly ships alive, while providing counterplay options.

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Could always bring out sub caps with jump abilities :] that can fill that hole. (smaller than black ops)
Seems like this is a very difficult problem that would require tons of dev work in multiple areas to balance.

It may be wise to simply add a warp disruption timer to the ships that jumped then, forcing them to commit assets possibly far longer than they would have wished. These ships would also need to be forbidden from cloaking, unless there was an option available to locate them.

In this way you keep everything as is, but drastically increase the risk of deploying capitals. For home defense, it means the defense fleet is stuck. When attacking, it means the offensive fleet is stuck. It doesn’t really change the fact that using capitals might still end up being the preferred option in many cases, but I think CCP wants to see more capitals dying.

The entire state of the game is a very difficult problem that requires tons of dev work in multiple areas to balance. Perhaps instead of trying to drive up this mountain and making patches along the way, CCP should back up, look at everything, and create a new path towards balance. Sure, keep some of the existing ideas and options, but make choices matter.

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Perhaps but that would be a bad idea for many reasons, the first being capitals are the last of the line of ships and many players simply dont like using them; myself included.

Theres a jump fatigue timer, most ships that jump to a cyno wont be warping off; not sure why you would forbid them from cloaking either as everyone lands too close for that too?

Can you clarify what you mean please?

yeh, not choices that they will reverse down the line (again) because it was a silly idea - like nerfing ships because they feel too powerful when a group field 100+ of them… but the nerf actually pretty much destroys the ships for anything else - and in some cases, almost completely (combat interceptors, & svipul, ferox, machs… imo its the fleet or blob that needs to be balanced out in many of these cases)

Speaking of which…

When in a big fleet modifiers to hit after so many are in XX range of the parent ship, this can be made as convoluted as you like but the modifiers premis would basically be to take in LOS for groups that just ball up whilst enabling less nerfs to ships that are good and fun for solo and microgang - it would also give those special groups an actual reason to fly in formation thus giving the more practiced and battle hardened vets something they can do/use against zerg type groups.

In regards to that the british army for example have some form of triangle formation for all round defence that can (and has) held off many times their number.

I do not feel people ingame should be rewarded simply for joining the bigger group; this is one of the items infact that is killing pvp for many people ingame - probably a good reason for some actual changes to cyno game play too…

May have been mentioned before im not sure :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, let me detail more what I mean about capitals warping away/cloaking after jumping into a system.

Let us assume you have a fight happening and/or half or a dozen or so carriers and/or supers are blipped into the grid. In many cases, these carriers/supers will completely annihilate the enemy force, be it subcaps or capitals, or whatever the target is. Mission accomplished.

Now these very same assets can simply align to a safe or supposedly safe point while engaging. As soon as they are finished, they can warp away or recall fighters then warp away. This is accounting for the NSA changes made recently. These capital ships were committed to a fight but never in any true danger, thanks to their enemy not having their own capitals ready and on standby. Even with said capitals on standby, these capital ships can easily jump in, kill their cyno ship, kill it’s wreck, (both to deny enemy warp in points) unleash hell and then warp away like nothing happened.

So say you are the defender, what can you do?
First, you need someone with combat probes and they need to be using them within less than 30 seconds to a minute of the hostile ships leaving the field.
Then you need to warp to the target and either call for a ship that can stop the enemy capital from leaving, or be that ship.
Finally you need support to not only continue to hold the enemy ship, but now to try and kill it.

All this more or less needs to be done faster than a normal TV commercial break segment.

If you fail to be fast enough, and by the example I mean really fast (considering you were either surprised by the enemy forces, or already responding to the enemy with other ships) You will remain unable to engage the enemy ships and they will escape without contest.

This is why prohibiting warp and cloaking on capital ships is necessary to decrease their usage.
And all of that falls into the line of “Making choices matter”
Right now, a group that is organized that attacks another group and said attack isn’t limited by something like structure DPS limits or other damage limiting factors can use capital ships without abandon, because they can always strike a target and escape.

Thats the idea. There is no reason you cant bring one mining laser on a combat ship :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading the post, this suggestion was regarding content for alpha characters taking part in a resource war style ffa abyssal arena. Go mine with you 3 rorqual alts. This game has so much potential its ridiculous. Cant wait for 64 ticks so they can start making real changes

Better tie down them jimmies, padnah, wouldn’t want them gettin rustled.

I don’t think they particularly matter

yes, but if the fight is won they usually just cyno back when they are done.
Mostly only warp off if needed so ‘losing’ the fight where your probably going to hope your not tackled.

im not sure id call it escape if they won the firefight? or that people generally try to chase a fleet they just lost a fight too?

its the numbers that let people do this and the way cyno’s work - and that there is not a real counterplay to it all other than drop more caps than the other team and hope for the best.

I mean theres probably a little more to it than that, i wouldnt rate your chances of winning if you just have numbers and not a clue about target calling or seige or y’know; but evenly matched experience wise its always a numbers game whether they can warp off or not.

also most carrier pilots dont align out as theyre not often clues up and dreads and fax have to seige/triage which stops them from warp; super pilots often align out but they have warp core strengths too :wink:
i think you need like 6 points on a super to stop it from warping, i dont quite recall as its usually sabre or hic that keeps it on the field.

Not quite. They all share the WCS bonuses, so I present the Nyx.

Gallente Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Fighter damage
5% bonus to Fighter hitpoints
5+ bonus to ship warp core strength
5% reduction in Sensor Dampening Burst Projector cycle time
2% bonus to Armored Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

If they’re a scrub who only has carrier trained to 1, then yes, 6 points of warp disruption will stop them from warping. If they’re trained up to 5 like they should be for a super, it’s 26.


There is a lot about them that look silly tbvh, and i know you could look at several real world examples and easily think its the same but its really not, even an upto date MBT can be killed by specialised infantry weapons (like milan etc) but, theres a lot of different counters and counter-counters; even a10’s and apaches arent invincible from specialised munitions… but we have none of that in eve :frowning:

And for my part im not saying if we did it should be easy to actually implement the use of such weapons, i mean moving a milan around the battlefield isnt easy, certainly not when a challenger reaches over 60mph; it should be possible, but only just.

26 wcs… -_-

Ive literally never tried pointing one, sabre or go get a sabre :stuck_out_tongue: