I think it should be less, aroud 10€, especially because You need more than 1 account to play comfortably. Also there should be packages like buying omega for 2 accounts = 8€ each etc
I have known many people who said
I want to play this game, but to do all the things I want I either need an alt, or to depend on and wait for other players. The latter is too difficult and time consuming, the former too expensive. I guess I’m out, here’s my stuff.
You know the sub price gets cheaper every year? It is basically ~30% cheaper than when EvE started in 2003.
This is the effect of constant prices and 15 years of inflation.
Alpha characters allow for players to try the game with out committing to it.
I figger if’n I can trap a coupl’a extra beavers a month I can afford t’play.
They don’t. Everybody pays in $
I feel omega needs to be more expensive. Everything else is affected by inflation yet for some reason EVE subs still cost the same after all these years. This forces CCP to add things that make them good money but from a game/sandbox pov aren’t exactly great.
Increase sub cost so CCP gets paid properly, so they can make a proper game.
Yeah but wages aren’t keeping up.
No sorry, the last thing the game needs is more intervention from CCP. ISD “volunteers” show constantly they have little understanding of the game and only follow what CCP tells them to. Bit like the now defunct CSM, something else that should just be shelved as a “been there done that don’t work”.
A small core? There is people online 24/7, 365 - What do you consider “a small core” that can be there for all new players? Or do we just accept CCP is an EU based game and that is the Only TZ that needs attention from both employees and volunteers at CCP?
The best and proven way to get new blood into this game is via CONFLICT, big open battles that see thousands of players face of and blow stuff up.
As CCP are moving away from this play style (have been since the introduction of FozzieSov) it is unlikely Eve will ever see a significant rise in player populations or another battle that is RL news worthy.
The introduction of Alpha’s has shown the game is losing more paying customers than it can recruit - Including Alpha’s, online numbers are still dropping, slowly yes, but still dropping - Take Alpha’s out of the equation - The game is in pretty poor shape.
There has for years been players who are willing to help newbros - They get all but ignored by CCP but they are there. Help channels for new players are somewhat of a joke - The trolls spam posting monopolise them for much of the time and anyone genuine has to hope they get PM’d by someone that can help them due to the spam posting in the channels.
In theory i support this statement.
In practice i’m sure increased funding will not have any positive effect on EvE Online.
The cash you pay for Omega isnt what it used to be because of inflation anyway. Its price is bringing itself down all the time.
To keep FSB from meddling in CSM elections?
there should have never been free to play added to this game …FTP instead of a hard limit trial is one of the many death of games things i traditonaly oppose … it says to the playerbase you do not value your subscription money.
unless it was designed that way in the first place like world of tanks and so on.
With a time limited trial, new players wouldn’t get to do nearly as much as then can now…I don’t see the point in this at all.
Easily fixed, extend trials to 3 months - If you haven’t got a feel for the game and decided by then if you want to play it, you never will.,.
Still in just 3 months you’re not going to be hitting a ton of content that you wouldn’t see in Alpha…also, that T2 gear/ships I suspect you are eluding to is a bit on the pricey side for new players…
I mean, what is so limiting in Alpha that new players aren’t seeing a part of Eve that is being suggested as critical if you want to keep them?
I mean, it’s kinda like you said; if you haven’t got a feel for the game in Alpha then you never will…
Pretty sure you missed my point entirely.
I’m saying trial/alpha accounts should be capped at 3 months.
If you want to keep playing after the 3 month period, pay a subscription or plex your account.
AH! Yes, yes I did. My bad to assume you were talking about Omega…Sorry for being tedious.