If eve had to be remade, what what you change?

Exactly what I was expecting.
Your game is looking real lively these days.

My game? Donā€™t tell me youā€™re joining in the ā€œMerin is a CCP altā€ tinfoil hat nonsenseā€¦

More interesting is not always ā€œbetterā€.

free repairs and safe places everywhere; in syndicate there are offline goon raitaru and astrahusā€¦ theres even an unfueled init fortā€¦ off a gateā€¦

maybe not an issue for the imperium but it certainly has issues for everyone else - back a few years ago sabres could at least be used to catch people at outposts but with citadels and tether this has gone, forcing much roaming and players away from eve.

IN lowsec however it has caused other countless issues in facwar space as the opposing faction has had safe spaces and free repairs to sit around in ā€˜enemyā€™ territoryā€¦

in highsec -10 gankers sit off them ready to strike just off a gateā€¦

i could go on but tbh i think that in itself should be enough.

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Yes, I was also just a little surprised about that, after I logged in for the first time on my new pc this year. I guess it has to do with the minimum requirements being very low by todays standards.

Indeed, an unfueled, offline structure should just be that: Offline.

The whole new structure stuff seems to be a huge disappointment.


Im not a fan of removing gates, Actually iā€™d like to remove people from having the ability to fly endlessly in any direction, or create safes.

Iā€™d like people to be forced to hang out on an objectā€™s (planet, gate, station, etc) grid. This would help increase conflict, and make it easier to catch people.

So then do away with the sandboxā€¦and wrap whatā€™s left in bubble-wrap.


You do know you can pop those bubbles right?
Dictor bubbles can be killed.

Fixed my typoā€¦

I would actually only change a single thing:

tl;dr: Aggressions among pilots lead to wars

long version:
A general aggression system everywhere in Eve that basically follows the outlines of what happens in High sec. Concorde takes already care of the non-player corporation pilots - no change needed here. Any other aggressor automatically risks sending his corp and thus his alliance into a war. Official diplomatic resolve is possible in a 24 hour period - if not done by then and both parties agree it will be full out war.
Why? Simple: coalitions and back room deals are the menace of this game by now. The mechanics have no way of tracing any of these actions or relations leaving all this in the hands of a handful players in the end. They basically broke the game by now.

With a system like this pilots have to actually ā€˜thinkā€™ before f1 etc - even in null sec. Coalitions wont be a thing anymore unless every single one in them actually behaves. No more simple backstabbing if it suits you.


ye we used to get a ton of actual fightable, fun wars in hs with the aggro mechanics; jet can baiting or simply being robbed etc etcā€¦ was a lot of fun tbvh

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Two things;

  1. Get rid of Alphas
  2. Not allow fanboys to post their garbage on the forums

Just acknowledging that your ilk effectively briganded the forums and won the argument and Eve remains the way you like it. Congrats!

It is better for EVE to die with dignity than to become a F2P cash shop WoW clone for all the farmers who couldnā€™t succeed at a real game.

Uhā€¦ you havenā€™t noticed?
Well itā€™s more entertaining when the one-track minded donā€™t know.
Until the end.

IS that your plan hellmar,
To let eve die?

Bumping, would implement this 3 minute timer from the off.

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Stop accusing people of being Devs.
Itā€™s harassment.

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