If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

CCP disagrees with you, here are their words:

This is because Eve Online is essentially a PvP (Player versus Player) game at its core.

They can advertise the game however they want, but the underlying philosophy remains „PvP game at its core“.

CCP does deceptively advertise, for easy money. Doesn’t change the nature of the game.

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Oh look, some low level toxicity…

Try to skill up some reading abilities, starting with your own posts and …

… heed your own words, unless you don’t care about collateral damage from your generalizations.

I am GenerationX which goes completely different to how you describe.

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That’s great, but you realize we’re not dealing with absolutes here, right? I claimed that EVE players who do rage tend to be older, and not that “all old EVE players rage.” In fact, most EVE players do not rage at all.

You stepped in it. Don’t complain now and take it like a man.

I speak and read three languages fluently. I need no lesson in reading comprehension from a stranger on a forum who has no idea who I am.

I guess you have no idea what an ‘irony’ is.
But I understand that I piqued you and I thought I apologized. I guess apologies mean nothing to your generation.

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Yeah, someone left something on the sidewalk. Very unpleasant on a hot day, regardless of gender.

Hmm, I do five. Now what.

Go on posting, the idea will take shape. At least you seem to have a good idea about who I am, what generation I belong to, and whatever else. Good show - but that’s all it is.

I guess that none of those three languages you know taught you what “being told off” means. Burn your butt, sit on the blisters. Live with it.

Quite the apology, girl. LMAO.

More generalizations ? At least my generation was taught to remove the flower pot before throwing the flower.


@Wadiest_Yong Yea, ok. You want to be ugly, that’s fine by me. But I’m not playing this game with you so bye.

All generations of players need each other in a game like EvE. They all benefit from the interactions, to be able to survive the sandbox. While it’s obvious that the number of players can only substantially increase by bringing in the younger ones, the old ones aren’t going anywhere either, nor any of the playstyles. An open mind on all sides, receptiveness to generational concerns and experiences, is the only constructive way forward.

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So, they prove every single stereotype about young gamers. Uninformed, illinformed decision making, no intention to learn, no intention to become better, want everything right away served on a silverplatter. Good to know. Thank you. :slight_smile:


They aren’t, everything has a finite lifespan, i would rather watch EVE go out with a bang than sadly limping to a whimpering death caused by catering far too much to the super casuals

just my personal opinion

EVE is 100% a PvP game, that fact will never change, you discount market PvP but thats still you competing with other players in order to beat them, that is the definition of PvP



Or, they don’t want to waste time and/or money on entertainment when it’s fundamentally unentertaining for the vast majority of its consumers, especially newer ones. We’re talking about playing a video game here, and not acquiring an education or developing lifelong career skills. It’s perfectly rational to not want to wait months to get into a “fun” ship in EVE when they can fly one in a different game within hours, especially since this game is 20 years old, and we’re long past the commiseration stage where everyone is equally new, has to train for the same things at the same time, and there’s still a sense of wonder and discovery to keep is distracted from it all.

Also, some interesting statistical tidbits for you: older gamers make up half of the casual gaming population, and spend by far the most on convenience-based microtransactions (e.g. power boosts and level skips).


Do you often ask the age of people raging in streams and voice?

–Gadget just assumes they are twelve


Streams no, in person I can usually socially-engineer the answer out of them. And many times they can’t stop talking about how old they are anyway (too old for this ■■■■, apparently).


The age of the game has nothing to do with how the game functions at its core. Just because a game is 1000 years old, you don’t change the basic features that define the game. Ship progression and skill progression are just as much a basic principle of EVE as penalties and a ball are for football.

What has changed is the perception in players about the progression. In the past it was perfectly fine and acceptable to train/learn/work towards things you want to have/achieve. Nowadays, certain demographics want all these things a fast as possible, so that they can then complain that there’s nothing left to do.

Good that you put “fun” in quotation marks, because that would have otherwise brought me back to the point of certain player demographics making uninformed, illinformed decisions.


Firstly, by stopping to be totally terrible at managing EVE. If they continue on the path of the past 8 years, they will definitely have no other option than to kill EVE to keep EVE alive.
If they stop being terrible, they can very well keep EVE alive by providing things to do in space and elsewhere. Take Musk’s stupid statement “turn this company into an everything company” to heart. Take your god-damn own trailers to heart. EVE offers so much potential for space action, for planet-side action, for true exploration and lore that gets people into space, on planets, into asteroids, into weird pockets of space to experience crazy, memorable things. You could even argue that EVE can use AI for NPCs to create situations where NPCs work together with players in an organically evolving way.
EVE shouldn’t be limited to spaceships only. In that regard, I agree with you that this is too little after 20 years. But EVE has the potential to become much more than just brackets in a spreadsheet in space.


Wanting to skip EVE’s obsolete rookie grind is a perfectly-informed stance. This isn’t 2003 anymore, and we aren’t all waiting together to get into a battleship for the first time.

I’d be perfectly content if CCP started out all new players with 20 million skill points in the year of our lord 2023. There’s no longer a reason to hold new players back by making them grind and slog through basic fitting and starter ship line skills. That’s not “working towards” something; it’s frustration, especially considering that there’s a lot more gear and ships today than when the game came out, and training was more streamlined.


IF you start as a new player, you wait to get into a BS for the first time. The illinformed notion here is that these people believe they have to get into the BS in order to play together with their friends or peers. That’s patently false, has always been, will always be.

No one made this argument.

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Thanks @Wadiest_Yong for the clever comebacks towards, @Princess_Valloris

I am confident in my belief that EVE attracts an older crowd of gamers on average. These gamers are at least 20 years old. Starting work, in college, working a career, or retired.

Now who rages more? Is it the young or old gamers? Frankly I don’t care.

I do get a laugh when people talk about putting a large amount of $$$ from their social security checks or paychecks on plex. :joy:

Now legend has it WTM once had a 14 year old in their FC program. :ghost: :ghost: