If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

@Destiny_Corrupted Thank you for making my point. You can do it way better than I ever could.

the people who are not hard enough for eve online are those who get killed in ahbazon and going off on it. when asked what they lost you read 'the nasty killed my Impairor"

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Such as?

There are only so many variations of PvE sites you can really spam everywhere and most of the inspace content is made by players interacting with other players, lots of players these days are just risk averse

Yeah that really didn’t work and won’t likely be making a comeback in regards to a direct EVE connection i would suspect, atleast going by the last couple of versions of the dust reboot we saw

The issue with planet side interactions is that there are far more planets than there are solar systems ingame, so either you’re not interacting on a specific planet or you’ll still rarely find anyone

Players get players in to space for the most part, again there are only so many PvE sites you can spam before they become complete clones of each other, we’ve already ruled out planetside interactions and asteroids are just a mining resource in EVE, can’t really interact with them in that regard lol

Crazy what though? we already have j-space which covers special effects on ships, what sort of “crazy” do you think we are missing exactly?

But, to do what exactly, you’re spitballing suggestions but not actually providing a way you think it would actually ADD anything, cool your NPC’s direct you to complete a task, which is what they already do when it comes to missions and epic arcs, outside of them telling you to go to x and do x what are you expecting that to add?

And yet all the experiments to try adding other stuff failed, its called trying to be a jack of all trades

Its called breaking people in to the game, you start small, you learn the differences between the ship classes as you scale up, the advantages and disadvantages of bigger ships, nobody learns if they jump straight in to a battleship

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I don’t know why battleships keep being brought up. No one suggested that new players should be able to get into battleships and if the new player has some brains he himself wouldn’t want to fly a battleship two days into the game.
But the argument is lazy.
There isn’t just ships in EVE. There are also modules, and a lot of modules can be fitted onto destroyers and corvettes. A smart new player would want upgraded modules before he’d want a bigger ship.
And let’s say some new player does get into a Battleship two days into the game - what’s the problem? Who wouldn’t want to blow up his nice new shiny battleship and teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget?

That’s odd. I don’t see a single CCP advert that says ’ Come join our great mining simulator’. It is advertised as a PvP/PvE game. You know…fighting and pew pew and stuff. Is there an advert that says ’ come watch Netflix for 3 hours while you grind asteroids with a laser ’ ? I must have missed that one.

New player can be flying a 350-400 DPS Gnosis within 6 days if Omega and 12 days if Alpha. I know. I have done it.

So what do you propose ? What’s the alternative ?

Because some people mistakenly equate big ships with “endgame”

Their complaint is that people have to spend ages skilling up through smaller ships to get to what they deem to be “fun” ships and content, i learned long ago that i’m not a fan of larger ships and that my personal “endgame” is smaller ships, mostly covert ops

Giving new players too many options is bad, its too large an info dump all at once, which is why the progression system is built the way it is in pretty much any game, start small and work your way up, the only difference being that in those games getting bigger is always the goal because you’re increasing numbers, EVE doesn’t follow that same design structure, every ship has its place

And here we get to the actual crux of the issue, these are few and far between these days, lots of people want to play WoW in space because “Make number go up get strong”, couple that with the culture of instant gratification and you get a playerbase that itself is unsuited to the game

The least I would propose is that an Omega account should come with an ISK income. After all, the Omega subscription ( for a 3 monthly renewal ) works out at around 1.5b ISK a month if you convert the subscription to ISK. Surely it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that 50m or 100m a month of that be returned to the player in the form of a monthly ISK income.

Noob Omegas are paying 1.5bn ISK a month for a game that begrudges them 1m ISK an hour in a Venture.

It does, its called gameplay time in omega ships which generate more income

The fun isn’t necessarily in big ships. I’m like you, I like small ships, I love destroyers and corvettes.

It’s already too large an info dump as it is. The new player soon learns that all the serious info is to be found external to the game, online in a slew of different websites that each hold pieces of the puzzle so 700mb of info or 1.2Gig of info isn’t so much tougher to digest for someone who likes the game and wants to learn.

I’m not sure that I want to denigrate a whole segment of the world population by saying that most of them just don’t think straight and only want to play games to make numbers go up as quickly as possible. I’m sure there are a lot of people like that but then what, let them cut their teeth on EVE Online and find out how different this game is from the others, instant gratification ones.
I think it’s pretty inconsiderate to judge people based on generalities and it’s rather arrogant to think that only a certain demographic has the stuff to play EVE and enjoy it.


Rorquals, capitals, Trig invasion, SCC sites, resource redistribution, structures, new PVE, instances, bad communication, anoms, ESS, ansiblex, no new missions despite the capabilities being there and most players doing missions, etc pp. Almost everything with big implications for the game that CCP touched turned into a turd in the last 8 years.

It worked well. People engaged with it. What hampered the success were external decisions and lack of polish and scope.

CCP is really good at handing people content via the agency. One type of interaction on planets can be just like that: widely broadcasted situations or activities. For other things it’s perfectly find to not have a ton of people to jump on you right away or at all. That’s called variety and intriguing experiences where you don’t know what happens. You don’t need to have a crapload of people piling onto you to have engaging and fun experiences on a planet or anywhere.

Players do what CCP gives them to do. More PVEVP in space can take a boatload of different shapes or forms. CCP has already demonstrated that they can create all sorts of different encounters and environments. Even things like NPC fleets engaging in battles completely without player involvement and players only retroactively noticed the battle, wondered what was going on there, CCP wondered what was going on there, and then things became clear and all the people involved had just witnessed truly organic, unscripted PVE. It’s a shame that CCP removed this unintended sideeffect-feature.

That’s no where near the same.

That’s nowhere near the same thing. But speaking of missions, it’s still utterly regrettable that missions are still completely sterile and removed from anything. Regardless of how many Blockades you kill or how many Damsels you rescue, nothing ever changes. Same goes for anomalies and DED complexes. After 20 years they are still completely separate from the universe, because they affect nothing. That is something that should really change and that’s something that would engage players with the universe.

Elite has not failed, STar Citizens has not failed (despite the limited scope, you can fly spaceships and go on planets and stations just fine), NMS has not failed either. The same concepts have not failed in EVE either. Everyone was amazed by how cool Dust looked when it was announced. Everyone was amazed by the CQ and the potential it promised. The reason why these things failed are not the players but CCP’s long-standing, utter incompetence to code and design and develop properly.


@Princess_Valloris I wouldn’t call it arrogant to think that only a certain demographic has the stuff to play EvE, any more than it is arrogant to think, or say, or believe, that only a certain demographic has the stuff to play chess or Go. Sure, everyone is equipped to move the pieces, but not to make every move meaningful and purposeful. That’s just the way things are. There’s nothing wrong with coining a game “elitist” or “hardcore” if the game, however appealing it may be, only selects a small number of players.

How the demographic itself shifts in its ability to cope with challenges has likely more to do with external factors than innate abilities, shrinking the number of potentially successful players. Just a thought.

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We can’t forget the MASSIVE competition of subscription services that EVE has to compete with.

When the economy goes downhill? What is the first to go? Subscription services. Leisure stuff such as streaming, videogames, ad free programs, grocery store memberships/shoppers clubs, etc.

Any argument based on “oh newer players only want instant gratification” is always the elitest and lazy argument. An excuse to not improve things to get more new people. It also really just makes me think “that’s nice gramps, time for your medication and a nap.”

There are newer and younger players who would enjoy eve and get into it. Eve however has a lot of aged things in it (many of which the current player base has known was garbage for fun since it started.). Pve missions and ratting tend to be ungodly boring, same with mining. It’s not about instant gratification so much as just old and boring game design for what you are actually doing in game.

While the npe is better than what we used to do for initiating new people, I don’t think it trains people in some key points well enough. Things like treating ships like ammo, what a suicide gank is and how to protect yourself from it, how to get into pvp and what other lower security space is like and how to get into it.


Authoring a few new missions isn’t going to really add much they will still be super basic and just farmed like the current ones, at which point you’ll complain you don’t have any new missions to do, missions aren’t the end goal they are a stepping stone to something else

A handful of people interacting with it doesn’t make it a success lol

Like what though?

We have already established that dust isn’t likely to have any EVE related integrations in the future, so what NPC related activities do you think are actually things you would want that aren’t going to still amount to “go to place and shoot x” or “go to place and collect/deliver x”

That wouldn’t really add anything it would just you more generic boring content you would get bored of rapidly

No, trigs still shoot each other and other entities all the time, NPC’s shooting each other also isn’t adding anything and most of the time is going to go entirely un-noticed until someone just finds some free loot, while is interesting to watch a couple of times its actually not really that engaging

So what crazy are you expecting, you seem to have skipped over that part, come up with some ideas

Thats by design, its super low level minimal risk PvE for people to cut their teeth on and earn some ISK, they aren’t meant to be a challenge nor are they really designed to impact other players, its sidequest content

And what are you expecting to change? NPC’s aren’t suddenly going to start changing the face of the game over a bunch of pointless side content, you seem to be expecting a little much here, remember, players are the main source of content in this game

Right, but in what way do you think random side content should impact the universe?

Oh right, that game with instanced zones where you can entirely opt out of PvE, the WoW in space nobody really talks about anymore? the game with a peak steam usercount of 3k?


That elite? yeah seems to be doing amazing

Entirely different game, its also not finished and will likely never actually see a full release, the guy has no real direction and again, its falling in to the trap of “jack of all trades, master of none”, its trying to do everything and failing at making an actual good game

Why would anyone care about what is for the most part a single player game? that being said, 9k PCU peak for NMS on steam


Nah everyone was interested in dust then realised its a fairly generic shooter which really only appealed to EVE players, it never really gained any traction and it died as a result, if people were engaging with it they would have kept it alive

And WiS never had any real potential, i mean you’re welcome to think that but you know deep down it would have been pointless window dressing, there is no activity in EVE that isn’t hampered by having to walk around, every basic task would have taken so much longer to perform, want to accept a quest, gotta walk to your agent, want to buy a new module, gotta walk to the market and find the right vendor, want to brose contracts, gotta go find the correct terminal for that

And thats before you get to the issues of instancing all those stations, most would be entirely empty outside of places like J4-4 and people would end up disabling it because they want to get things done in a quick efficient manner

People spitball that they could add minigames and other pointless fluff but forget those are mostly going to be pointless in a game people can easily alt-tab out of to do meaningful things while they wait, yes the die hard RP crowd would probably love it but most gamers aren’t going to care or aren’t going to use it so it would have ultimately just ended up costing more time and money than it was worth

Hardly, CCP’s skill has nothing to do with players not actually engaging with those systems, i get that you want a scapegoat and you want to blame CCP for everything wrong with the game, but that doesn’t change the facts, those ideas just wouldn’t have been sustainable and wouldn’t have added enough to the game for them to really justify their own existence


So prove it wrong

News at 11, tedious tasks are infact tedious

Well no ■■■■, go play any MMO and you’ll find those exact same tasks to be boring as hell

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Now that I read you I realize something.
Every EVE player knows that it’s a PvP game. The long-time players and members of this forum take delight in reminding the uninitiated that EVE is a PvP game before it is anything else.
Yet, the “tutorial” and all the career agents do not mention it once. What’s more, the tutorial encourages the player to rather go for the PvE content like mining and ratting without hinting that attacking other players is actually what EVE is about.
There is a disconnect between a new player’s introduction to the game and what the game is really about. Just starting new players in the most secure areas of the cluster is a disservice. It tells new players that “hisec is safe” while nothing could be further from the truth.
I think new players should be spawned in Nullsec and let them swim or sink. That would be more entertaining than undocking in parts of space where “griefing” isn’t allowed.
If there is to be hand-holding, make it what the game is really about.


It’s already proven wrong? Other games (yes even ‘hardcore’ ones) can get new players, just not eve. Really you need to prove it right and good luck with that, you’d have to actually get improvements done to the npe and pve.

As to your second reply. So what’s your point? That we should do nothing about it? That’s quite defeating yourself before you even start of you.


Cite your sources

Because all i see is people complaining about having to wait for SP and the super casual games exploding in popularity, everything i see points exactly to instant gratification being a driving factor in gaming

If you have something that demonstrates otherwise i would like to see it

There really isn’t anything you can do about it, a tedious task will always be tedious, its super basic resource harvesting, its not going to be flashy or entertaining, its like complaining that being a garbageman is boring and tedious, its like complaining that stacking shelves in walmart is boring and tedious

Thats just the way some things are

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