If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Cite yours first?

And there’s a ton you could do about pve or mining. You can make changes to how those things are done, make it a mini game or at least something more than target this target that.

You’re very “we’ve tried nothing and nothing works!”

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I totally agree. I would go even further: make all of New Eden Null Sec and do away with CONCORD. This finicking about High, Low, Null… it feels like a gimmick to control players’ actions. And it would make sense since the PvP in EVE is allowed everywhere.



Candy crush, every gacha game on the planet, FFXIV literally selling you the ability to skip the story and grind, hell EVE even sells you SP directly, all of that is to feed the instant gratification train

And that just makes it far more annoying for someone to do those tasks on more than 1 character, actually disincentivising people to do it

Thing is you don’t need to “try” something to know its a bad idea

I’ve never stabbed myself in the eye with a pen, yet i know that would be a really dumb thing to do, i’ve never submerged my had in to molten metal, yet i know that is not something i’m going to enjoy

The same works with game design choices, from experience and thinking it through yourself and prototyping it know that people aren’t going to enjoy a thing, you claim CCP has never “tried” anything but i can pretty much guarantee you that there will have been dev builds of the game where they experimented with those mechanics, just because someone will have thought “I wonder what x would be like”

So now feel free to cite yours :slight_smile:

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That’s typical of todays young gamers, if they need to have patience, if they need to skill up, if they need to understand the game, they just don’t want to play.

We have the patience to stay, skill up and understand the type of player we want to be.

Go back to Fortnite.


None of that points towards newer or younger players specifically being the ones that want instant gratification over any other age group or based on newness to a game. That may point to humans in general being drawn into those games because they are designed to hack the brains reward system but it also doesn’t mean they won’t also like and play a game like eve (of which I also don’t count sp buying as instant gratification in this game since it’ll take someone years to get up to the same level as someone else which in anything is frankly unacceptable and even with sp injection is still not an instant win in this game.)

■■■■■■■ good. There is no way in hell that reducing something to be done on one character is a bad thing. No it won’t disincentivise anything except multiboxing and that’s a damn good thing.

As for trying something, the same can then be said about a good idea…of which I have provided vague options to.

So, no, you didn’t provide any actual sources to your point, still for you.

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That’s the level of unimaginativeness I expect form CCP. There are tons of ways for interesting planet-side content. The chronicles mention that one time where an Capsuleer Rokh threatens to attack a planetary city if the city doesn’t allow the exploitation of nearby resources. A distress call could be broadcasted region or cluster-wide to kill the attacker in space. Likewise, you could have attacks on research or military facilities and could be asked to help defend the compounds or you could be asked to aid the attacks.
Likewise, silent planet stuff could come from exploration in space to explore ruins Lara Croft or Indiana Jones style. There are crap loads of ruins sites in the EVE cluster due to the lore and history. Or you could get hired by pirates for infiltration missions.

Essentially everything is just “Shoot that, go there”. If you have an issue with that, you will be very disappointed by the player created content. :joy: That content is even worse than missions or anoms.

Here are more things that could be introduced that are low effort, but engaging and variable depending on circumstsances:


I am too emotionally equipped!

…until they realized it does not run on their PC

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Rubbish, when I sell my stuff I don’t compete with others, I just sell it, no competing necessary.

Others may be competing to buy my stuff, but I don’t compete to sell it.

Do I compete to mine ore? Where I mine there’s usually only 2 mining at the most and only for a short time with a lot of belts, we don’t compete. I use a Skiff the other guy a Retriever in a completely different belt, no competition, no pvp.

If I level a blueprint there’s no competition, if I manufacture some ammo for myself there’s no competition. I stopped manufacturing to sell when they brought in citadels as I knew I would never be able to compete.

If I start scanning an anomaly down in an empty system there’s no competition.

I could go on and on and your 100% pvp game would shrink smaller and smaller when another player isn’t involved and competing with you.

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That’s not a Dust issue. That’s a CCP decision-making issue. Everyone was telling CCP that this was a mistake, but CCP only saw the big ching-ching from Sony.

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Things like working into your profit margins across the board the market buy orders, which makes the buyers unknowingly fight for your materials.

Just Wow.

All of those actions you mentioned does involve competition - or at least affecting other players.

If you mine in an “empty” system, I could come by an hour after you left and find nothing to mine. Same logic applies to anomalies.

If you make your own ammo, that’s one less customer out there - that’s also less resources for others to use. If you mine your own resource - see above, and if you purchase them, you quite likely could affect the price and availability of said recourse.

Even if you don’t think your actions affects others in EvE, they do.

YOU Matter!

–Gadget’s peptalk

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Yes its gamers as a whole, and new EVE players are those same gamers

So its instant gratification, any game worth its salt makes it take time to catch up to veteran players, wanting to instantly catch up is instant gratification

Sure there is, because there aren’t enough of those types of players to sustain those tasks without multiple characters, and seeing as nobody else wants to do it you’re going to end up without enough incoming resources

So you don’t have any then, got it :slight_smile:

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I’m not a min max kind of player so profit margins never come into it for me, the player putting up a buy order will worry about that side.

There will always be a figure you decide to be the value for your materials, this is subconsciously drived after understanding what others are buying or selling those same or simular materials at which point some method of profit value is established.

Many things would be factored in too which you subconsciously feeling value for your time, per se

So that would be every gamer then and not just newer generation gamers. Which clearly hasn’t been the case in eves history or it wouldn’t have had golden ages then…

In other words, it isn’t about gamers not wanting to put in the time it’s about the game needing updates in many areas because it’s being outclassed in those areas with newer games.

Nope on both counts. Still gotta work to get the funds to pay for that sp. Still a working towards it thing. Even if you use real money you’ll be limited in amount before reducing returns. And eve players do like to say working out of game for the money to plex is just a more efficient way of getting game funds. It also doesn’t make you good at the game by virtue of buying that sp. Still gotta work at it a likely long time. Sorry, not instant gratification Mr gramps uphill both ways in a storm

As well, ■■■■ no, not every game that’s worth its salt is one that it’ll take forever to catch up on, that’s just bad game design and any developer will tell you that.

No. You make it sustainable by one character(ue up the resources gathered or what not for one character.) or it will balance economically via more people entering into that activity (and not just more characters.). Your starting premise is wrong there.

Still waiting for you to provide any is why…fairly obvious.

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Gadget, I love your posts and when I see one it always makes me chuckle.

Please don’t stop.

As for your reply, maybe, just maybe my actions may affect someone in game, but not in a competitive/pvp kind of way.

Not buying ammo from a player isn’t pvp.

Regards, Drago.

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No I really don’t. When I sell I have no idea what the market is doing, what the perceived value is etc, I just sell stuff on an instant basis, that’s all.

Sure it does.
Especially if I wanted it, and you beat me to it.
Or if you bought from someone else rather than me.

–Gadget has a BOGO special on Mjolnir missilies