If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

There already is a 500k isk bonus for having played for 2 hours (actual played time) so there’s precedent for this to happen. They could do first two ticks for 1 mil, then two for 5 mil followed by 3 ticks for 10 mil. Total 42 mil and together with the income from the career tuts and whatever else they do that gives them enough to get something decent or risk a bunch of cheap ships.

When can I raid other player’s PI ccp?!

Why is PI pretty much in a bubble compared to all the other indy? Such as anthnors, mining in a fleet, and attacking haulers?

My PI setup will never be harmed ever. Unless someone bothers to kill POCO.

I remember this one person who talked about jumping around NS. And strategically DEPLETEING planets as a form of PI PVP.

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You indeed don’t need to repeat your lack of vision. CCP agrees with you since they also dropped their vision, too. That does not mean other people should just do the same and become as boring and unimaginative as you or CCP. Everything I described is within EVE, not outside or in a different game.


Your boomer takes always come out of nowhere. You always have these well thought out points, and then suddenly you get overcome by emotion somewhere and yell “also old people suck because I can’t afford to buy a house in real life!”

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Destiny should do what I did.

  1. Get married
  2. Immediately divorce him
  3. Free House
  4. Repeat


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So you want to do more of the same. How about just making a game you enjoy?

Don’t think so, I reckon D wants change to the way Wardecs function as a whole.

Some people here need to take a course in philosophy. Or several. You do not steer people, ever. And forget about this NPE. People are here to play a game they are not here to be told what to do or steered in any direction. They are here to have fun and to explore. When you steer them and force them through a tutorial, it turns them off. Minecraft is the best example i can think off, its the most popular PC game in the world. People also believe it appeals to kids. Lets say that is true. Well kids need the most hand holding am i right? They dont know anything. But when they start minecraft it just puts them right into the world with no tutorial. The game just starts and they have to figure everything out themselves. How can a game that works like that become the most popular game in the world?


You steer a horse or a car, not a player or a person. Thats rule number 1 imo.

Like this for example:

Something you could do to accustom people to loss or more dangerous areas could be a special mission in the Advanced Military Career path to, for instance, bring an item into low sec. In this mission you are supposed to build your own ship or buy it, you get a fitting from the Community Fittings (which would be a great way to make more use of them and introduce new people to them) and have to source the modules as well, either by buying or building. Then you are sent on your way to a low sec area which has different ways to get into. For instance, if you start as Amarr in Sehmy in Kor-Azor region, you get a mission to Daran in Kor-Azor region, which has 3 different access ways via Ami, Gademam and Noranim from Genesis. Ami is usually camped so people would probably die there. The mission could introduce people to killboards as well and how to check systems for adversarial activity before you yolo in. If you lose the ship with the mission item, you don’t get a standings hit, could still get a base reward (reward could be base reward for “heroic scouting the area for hostile activity” and bonus reward for successful delivery), and you could get the additional info on the combat. No new features or functionalities needed, everything is possible in the current mission framework and you have a nice introduction to destruction and dangerous space beyond the somewhat static Military career agent ship loss tutorial.

You people are not listening. Not only do you think its possible to steer people, you also seem to think its something they would enjoy. Its no wonder the game is in the state it is when this approach is what seems to dominate the discussions.

“We Can JusT SteeR PeOPle IntO PvP NO biGGie”

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And as we have already established, there won’t be any avatar content in EVE because it serves no real purpose, so no it wouldn’t be within EVE, if the new shooter ever actually arrives it will be a standalone product, but i have my doubts it will ever actually see the light of day

So yeah, what content within the EVE universe do you think can actually be done with planets

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That’s what literally every single game does. Even people like Cypher managed to overcome this. It really is no biggie, you just have to do it right. With the right motivation and encouragement and the right setting, this introductory experience can be a valuable lesson for the new players. If they do not really lose anything and only gain things/knowledge/understanding, it’s actually very helpful for their comprehension of more aspects of the game. That’s not rocket science.

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"It wasn’t the 25-year-olds who raised the average rent for a studio apartment to over $3,000. With a combined tax rate of nearly 50% for a single filer, earning $100,000 (which is twice the national median) leaves you with $14,000 to live on after paying for housing. There’s a reason for these figures, and it’s not “avocado toast”:

You’re talking about a completely different country so just keep your comments to Americans and stop presuming and throwing insults around.

It took me a long time to get into PVP, and i did it because i was bored. It was time. If CCP had tries to force me into it i probably wouldnt have gotten into it sooner. It can also have unintended consequences. For example if you create a mission that sends nobies into low sec that gate is just going to be camped all day long. The nobie learns practically nothing imo. But who knows.

So you’re from a place that doesn’t even matter? Good to know.

Hey, shouldn’t you be throwing a tantrum over an exploded mining barge or something?

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YEAH! Because 'Mericans are the only ones who can afford to play this game god damn it!

Your input and attitude became irrelevant the moment you started with the insults, cya.

I wanted to point out that I did not do that and now I don’t know what you said, which is annoying. I’m sure you had a pretty decent response which was obviously amusing enough to annoy someone.