If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

It was a few charts showing the progressively-increasing disparity in relative wealth and property ownership for various generations over the past few decades. Of course they found it offensive. They don’t like their hypocrisy being exposed for everyone to see.


It’s kind of a new situation for me to confront because if I had to guess based on basically no information, I would guess that I’m maybe 15 years older than you? Which doesn’t seem like a huge gap on one side. But I own a home in the country, have 3 cars, medical insurance (which in America is actually important) and it didn’t seem insurmountable to get here. But I look at the world my 18 year old is entering and man, it is freaking rough. I couldn’t afford to buy my house again, with the same job I used to buy it the first time. It’s like the entire economy has lost its mind in the last 20 years.
I feel like I need to protect this house at all costs because it’s not just an asset for me, it’s become this generational asset which is a ridiculous situation.


You have to remember that the median is $48,000 a year (before taxes) and sharing rooms with other people.

The average American now lives closer to how my grandparents lived during the era of Soviet communal apartments than to what was advertised in the brochure from the 1950s.


Other “old” MMOs & online games are going well, like Minecraft, LOTRO and Old School Runescape. Even Tibia added new servers last year to cope with more players.

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Minecraft isn’t an MMO and servers are player hosted

Those other games all use the old monolithic server designs, so their servers have upper limits, EVE being a cluster has no such upper limit that we are ever likely to meet

We can host more people in a single system than most of those sharded games can manage to host on a single server >.>

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I’m sort of reminded of ‘poverty’ documentaries where one sees people who clearly spend $500 a month on smoking and don’t seem to have missed out on having a 92 inch plasma TV and Playstation set. Then they’ll go online and whine about how $16 a month ( over a 3 month subscription ) is waaaay too much to pay for Eve.

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Except those are mostly BS designed to make you think… the things you think. well done, you played yourself.

Not really. If I watch a BBC documentary ( there was one only last month ) about high energy prices, and I see some old lady who by her own admission smokes £350 of ciggies a month…I am quite capable of drawing my own conclusions and don’t need to be ‘made’ to think anything.

Let’s imagine you had to make a YouTube video for those bigger nullblob fights. Our game cannot handle the amount of people it has now in one system. If new players knew how bad tidi really was, they would not even begin playing and any video of it would drive away new players.


And it never will at full speed, mainly because of the players, if the system can handle 3k in one system without tidi people will just bring 4k, etc

TiDi is the solution to enable those kinds fo fights because the alternative is broken nodes and entirely bugged fights

The problem with Eve Online is the game is dominated by Null Sec alliances who send ganker squads into High Sec to gank miners and PVE’ers just so the Null Sec alliances can satisfy their own PvP agenda.

Meh. Most of the lag in playing Eve is on the client side. I noticed a huge improvement on getting a new computer. All those battles where people say ‘play in potato mode’, I play in high settings with no problem. Tidi is another matter entirely. But we had 640 in system recently on destroying a NC station and the tidi was bearable. Destroying the TTT…the tidi was absurd…but then there were over 5000 people in the system.

Minecraft is a singleplayer sandbox that so happens to have player hosted servers :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t include Star Trek Online!?

FACTS! :100: :100: :100:

The modern-day consumer is so doomed.

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Which gankers were sent?

Wouldn’t you know, Aiko? Or should I say…Mittani?

Simps Incoming…

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The hyper majority of eve onlines skill progression is entirely removed from the player. “Skills” such as how to fit, how to fly etc are learned by the player. Once someone tries to fit beams and pulses onto the same hull and realises it sucks thats learning. The player becomes a better “player” by leaning. They will learn that a ship with lots of low slots is better for fitting armor mods onto, as theres not enough mids for a shield fit etc. Those are valuable “skills” that all players learn, and must learn and they do so actively. Usually through making mistakes and getting wrecked either by players or even by simple rogue drones cause the player failed to fit drones or a web.

However, clicking “battleship 5” then coming back a month later isnt really engaging gameplay. I could envisage there being reason to find a more dynamic way of enhancing ones progression in the skill tree where they actually do something. Maybe battleship 1 is a short hour skillbook but then battleship 2 requires they sit in the hull and actually do things, in space. Operate weapons, operate modules, engage in content with that hull etc. If they wanted to “force” the pvp aspect, have pvp combat giving greater “xp” for combat oriented types ← or more accurately “SP”.

Its not a perfect solution and its literally one i just though of in 10 minutes. “Leveling” ones skill on a ship by actually using the ship, instead of sitting around for a sizable chunk of a year sounds much more engaging to me

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I checked it wasn’t me that time but… sometimes it is for the best to not know what we typed.

Everyone has an opinion and sometimes doesn’t always align with the direction that everybody else wants.

Take you for example!

When was the last time you actually agreed with the opposition?

The opposition of what? I disagree with probably 60% of the posts on here, maybe more. Am I supposed to disagree with more? Who’s the opposition here? What are we talking about Ice?

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