If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

One of my corp jobs used to be that of handing out basic implants for free to new members who were Eve noobs. I thus had access to the member list and could see all the ‘last logged in’ dates. It’s not at all hard to see when someone who joined on a certain date has not logged in for a week or a month or more. It is all, joining date, last login date, etc, available to corp officers with the right access. Some members clearly had left…but there was no indication they had joined another corp or that they had been ganked.

If corp chat is anything to go by, most people leave because they are not making progress or ISK fast enough, or because they are bored. Out of numerous cases, well over 100, I came across just one where a person ceased logging in a day or so after being ganked.

People with too much money pay the $20 per month and convince themselves they are playing an exclusive and high quality game. But in reality… EVE online is a joke :slight_smile: Have a nice day


Rtsu, any game that a person decides to spend money on becomes exclusive to them, not you or anyone else but to the person making the payment at the moment in time. Which of course may change part way through the process.

Calling this about our game just shows that you really care about this game and the way I see that comment is that you’re frustrated with how you yourself see the game right this moment. Everyone holds different standards to what they concider exclusive to them and sometimes no matter what others type or say about that game they play won’t convince them.

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I will only play with two accounts as one account is too vulnerable, so the cost made it not worthwhile for me. So yeah.

And people with not enough money play on Alpha and convince themselves they are playing an exclusive and high quality game. They would be right in one aspect.

They do ? I pay the equivalent of $15 a month.

Why @Altara_Zemara ? Are you not space rich?

Depends what you mean by ‘rich’. I’m certainly not struggling.

If they are in the eve is toxic or psychopaths side of the debate…they will get their eye opener soon.

Wnat to see total team breakdown and lots of rage drama…see a timed mythic run blow that timer.

THey will also be building up that raiderio score. Or parses if going for classic. I wish them well with that. COming in this late, its gonna be some time. And/or gold for carries.

PVP gear up is an option for even PVE. I’ve seen a cap pilot who lost their dread to a mistake we capitalized on have a better attitude about thier loss than wow pvp’ers in a battlleground. You don’t lose anything in wow pvp. That dread pilot lost 6 billion iirc.

Eve is also nice in that we recognize player x on the 1 year old char…has played more than 1 year. Wow doesn’t have that. WoW you hop on an alt and no one cares if you cleared raid/dungeon key level with the main not even an hour ago. You suck as your alt sucks…usually due to gear.

Wow’ greatest paradox. Git gud! Okay how do I git gud at rng drops. Loot counil for classic. Okay…one could farm massive gold or token it in classic to run gdkp. Really want item X…well then bid well on it lol.

I actually liked Wrath gdkp. It had me feel more at (eve) home. Fleet x wants this exact build. Okay, lemmo go buy it. Vice weeks of RNG.

They’ve been doing just that. Setting an artificial time limit on their success is nonsense for a game that has major yearly expansions and the fact that they themselves say that CCP do not always take their advice to heart says a lot about CCP, not the CSM.

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