If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

No, I’m looking at data across a number of characters. That’s the whole point.

For example one of my lesser used chars had ‘9 kills’ and is ‘in the top 50% of all PvP players’.

Another such char had ‘14 kills’ and is ‘in the top 42% of all PvP players

And Altara had ‘363 kills’ and is 'in the top 8% of all PvP players

It’s clearly an exponential curve, similar to wealth distribution, and it thus clearly signifies that most people engage in some form of PvP…however limited. And CCP aren’t making up the ‘kills’ as its exactly what killboard says. I suspect this is largely where people who are ‘normally’ miners or whatever get dragged into corporation fleets with calls of ‘we need everyone for the upcoming battle’.

My point is that many of these are then the same people who go on to whine about PvP even though they have been involved in it.

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I do, I don’t exclusively play EVE.

I play other games too, but when I’m paying £15 pm for a sub I’ll have my say about what I do or don’t like in it, regardless of players like yourself.

Every single player who pays has a right to criticize the game and the direction it’s taking.

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How about comparing statutes?

If the property damage caused a loss of more than $500.00, it is a Class A misdemeanor. If the property damage caused a loss of more than $1,000.00 , it is a Class D felony.

Just 'cause you don’t agree with the statute doesn’t make it legal…


You don’t play on a classic pvp server, do you?

Carebearing without friends, sad really.


It sounded like you had really squeezed that one out!

I think I know what’s going on. I have a feeling that players on 1 kill will be “in the top 100% of all PvP players,” which means that CCP is limiting the subset for this statistic to only characters that qualify for the statistic, unlike for example the “total play time” statistic which will encompass 100% of all characters in the data set. So the entire data set might be something like 400,000 characters, but the PvP subset might only be 50,000 characters. But the way CCP is wording these things makes our brains lean toward “o-ho, pretty much everyone is doing some form of PvP!” and that’s totally out of line with reality.

All the research I’ve ever done on this points to something around 15-20% of all active characters engaging in any form of PvP (win or loss, consensual or not consensual), and only a fraction of that (really, in the lower single digits) pursues PvP aggressively as the attacker (including both cases of piracy and mutually-consenting fleet warfare situations).

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So your saying the 1000s (maybe 10s of 1000s) of players which have quit for those reasons over the last 5 years are simply “Whiners” ? And because they are “Whiners” their opinion should be ignored?

You understand how asinine of a statement that is, yes?

Especially when the result is a far far far smaller player base. If 1000s of players are quitting for a reason, then that reason needs to be addressed. Your opinion that they are whiners is irrelevant to the overall effect their quitting has on the game as a whole by reduction in player base in massive amounts.

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But most of them dont quit ! They only want some attention …

That seems to be concensus.

Nobody cares about their opinion.

Then address it. Make a thread, write an email, do what you need to do.

Sure. But they’re still Whiners :slightly_smiling_face:

Thousands of players quit every second!!!

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More like hundreds of players mine every minute.

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Uedama Right now 10 minutes fite me

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Fight fight fight fight…

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Darn it…I thought I wouldn’t have to look for a pic of the infamous Cathy Newman again.

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I’d be curious to know how long they were in the game. :thinking:

I’ve known many newbies who quit a few weeks or even days into EVE, largely because they didn’t understand (and refused to understand or learn) how EVE is different from other games.

I suspect a lot of the quitter just rage quit after a short time.

But only because they dont understand the game or they understand it and they dont want to play it. I assume this is the majority of newbro quitters.

The majority of my friends from RL or other gaming communities who I had invited to play EVE over the years did quit after some weeks for a simple reason:

They simply like instant-action games more. They don’t have multiple hours per day to play online games and they just want to log in, look for a PvP session and fight within a few minutes. A bit “progress” is okay, like unlocking weapons or gear but they want to be able to do that by just playing the game and learning the mechanics within a few days or weeks at most. Best example: Go play some Shooter or Hack&Slay and if you are a decent player you will have unlocked all the weapons and gear within a week or two and can jump into action with your preferred equipment in like 5 minutes after login.

None of them was afraid of “ganking” or was even ganked. EVE simply is a niche game that can hold maybe not even 1 of 100 people who try it and unless it gets some tournament-like instant-action mode with free ships or something, that won’t change.


It is a more thoughtful long term game in that sense, and when you did get a good fight it had meaning and an intensity that you rarely get in other games.

Very true,

There are many players who enjoy a good fight, whether it’s head-to-head or an ambush. Win or lose they like the content (and even when they beat you, if you put up a good fight you still gain their respect).

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