If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year



Think what you like but it would be nice if you responded seriously. I think you have no valid replies atm and that why you change the convo to assumptions and dick waving.

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I am responding seriously.

If ganking freighters is so easy, prove it by ganking freighters.

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Thanks for the replies. I miss CODE.

How ā€œboringā€ could it be to make some quick easy isk?

Just take a few minutes to gank a dozen freighters and show everyone how easy it is.

Itā€™s easy, right?


You are making assumptions and not willing to have the conversation. Its ok. Lets not go back and forth like children now plz.

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Iā€™m merely asking if you have any personal experience to support your claim.

Iā€™m certainly not willing to have a conversation in which you continue to spout unevidenced bluster, and refuse to discuss the subject in good faith.

Anyone who thinks ganking is easy is welcome to try. Until youā€™ve done that, itā€™s pretty obvious you donā€™t have a clue what you are talking about.


I shot freighters once with nados, trying to fund our AT squad years ago :smiley:

It was a pain in the arse xD

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Didnā€™t want that gank anyway.

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Nobody is doing most of what people are riling about here. I donā€™t recognise what game half these complainers are playing. Is it Eve ? Where do I have to go in Eve to become all whiny and despondent and see the cracks in the sky as it falls down ? And howcome people with hundredsā€¦thousandsā€¦of billions of ISK are complaining that something is wrong with the game ? I think a lot of these people are simply way out of touch with the Eve most people playā€¦and whom they claim to speak on behalf of.

Thereā€™s a huge irony in the people who shout loudest about what needs to be done to help noobs along and retain people are the biggest ā€˜let them eat cakeā€™ people of the lot whoā€™ve long since lost all remembrance of what it was ever actually like to be a noob.

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How so? Very far from calling out bingo.

Perhaps I am the new player to New Eden!

You bring noobs into itā€¦but what sensible noob is flying 2bn in his cargo ? Most noobs in Eve are flying Ventures, frigates, etc. Ventures are essentially free. And if the player canā€™t be bothered doing the missions again to get oneā€¦heck they can set up a Gausian laser fitted one for 350K ISK or so that can pay for itself in a single trip to the asteroid belts. It takes a month just to fully skill up for a Procurerā€¦or get the proper skills and fittings for haulersā€¦and it really isnā€™t that hard within that time to gain the ISK to pay for it. The slow progress of skills in Eve is precisely what makes week old noobs flying 2bn AFK in appallingly fitted haulers eminently gankable. Eve is a harsh game that rightly treads on those who step ahead of the learning curve.

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tbh finding a committed newbie as a corp CEO is like finding goldā€¦

That is not an understatement. Itā€™s hard.

Look at incursions, most people left. The committed stayed and created alts to multibox HQ sites. We are more alts than real people vs 2020. (COVID-19)

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You are wrong. The developers does not seem comitted to the game, or they just dont know what they are doing. It drives people away. And you can decide how much risk you want to take in EVE. Thats actually the beauty. Its not strictly permadeath and its not strictly no pvp, its not black and white like most other games. So the issue isnt the potential loss aspect, the issue is a lack of commitment and quality content from devs which isnt supposed to happen because of the CSM

Also who is going to bother progressing in a game where you cant lose. Your theory makes 0 sense.

You sound ridiculous. This is Eve. If Ganking were actually ā€žeasy moneyā€œ like people think it is, ganking would be everywhere, boringness be damned.

You already see this everywhere with Homefront sites (boring, easy ISK), 5-man FW Plex Farming (boring, easy ISK), 1 man FW Plex Farming (boring, easy ISK), Ishtar anomaly ratting (boring, easy ISK). It doesnā€™t have to be you doing it to see the multiple groups doing it.

If not you then who are the multitude in Eve lining up multiple operations to gank for the easy ISK?

The answer is no one because it isnā€™t actually easy money.


Quick thought, Super Mario Bros for the NES was a hardcore game. You only had a few lives/attempts, and you had to start over if you lost them. Few people made it to the end, but everyone played it. Im not sure why people stopped playing it. Maybe many people still do. But what about the arcade machines? You had to put in money and you got 3 lives or something and had to put in money and start over if you lost them. Yet arcades were extremely popular. So It seems wrong to paint a picture of gamers as not wanting to spend money and not interested in a challenge and what not.

Which one of the concrete examples I gave is a myth.

Edit to add:

If you actually care to read what I said, I didnā€™t say ā€žall Eve players are lazyā€œ and not even ā€ža lot of Eve players are lazyā€œ. I donā€™t care how many or few there are. They do exist though.

There are some number of lazy players looking for easy money. They exist. I used them in my example. If that bothers you so much that you have to misinterpret what I say and write a giant philosophical treatise over it, all I can really say is get a grip on the reality of the game, dude.

Okay, a 3-4B unfitted hull (my bad, got distracted by your lancers comment and was thinking jumpfreighters) transporting 2B piloted by a high grade clone.

What makes him so privileged to be exempt from legitimate attacks that even require some serious player skills ? That heā€™s rich enough to blunder around in his big ship with a head full of expensive implants, so gloriously oblivious to any kind of danger on his trajectory, so over-confident that he doesnā€™t even use a single scout to warn him of a bunch of locals with highly suspect killboards involving torps and bombs, if not a notorious outfit known from bombing or cloaky gate camping ? A guy who obviously doesnā€™t respect the work and isk going into that ship heā€™s flying ?

Iā€™m not saying yes. Iā€™m Shouting ā€œYesā€. Iā€™m jumping in my seat at the very thought, LOL. A reward for the countless and fruitless gate camps at last, a ā€œperson of low-insightā€, and in a freighter !! The only thing that is better is a ā€œperson of low-insightā€ in a cap jumping to MY beacon, lol.

it takes omega to 1) have more than 1 ship online and 2) fly a stealth bomberā€¦


People have kids and lives change.

Life itself.

Also 20 years.

People have kids and lives change.

Deal with it.