If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

I dont unerstand what your point is. People get kids? These kids grow up, they play games? The gaming industry is like 10x bigger compared to when EVE was first launched. So your point makes no sense.

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younger gamers now dont want to spend hours and hours of effort for what eve gives back ive spent the last 2 weeks logging in while on dinner at work as im busy and done nothing but the dailies and dont even attempt the abyss trig dailies as i just havent got the time to do anything more really but how many of the younger gamers would literally just go and play something else as they want instant gratification in what they put
time to

It’s not a generational thing. I’ve met a lot of older ex-military vets who are just as likely to have the „instant gratification“ mindset as any young person.

I’m not disparaging young people nor military vets just saying you can find all sorts of attitudes in any way you slice population groups.


Because it doesent really give anything back. It feels like a money grab. Any new player does not feel welcome or immersed due to the Alpha/Omega system and the hand holding tutorial and what not. The game feels boring and awkward when you first play it. It didnt use to be like that

Minecraft did not have a tutorial when it was making strides (Niether did EVE afaik). But in minecraft you just had to figure it out yourself. And its arguably the most popular game in history. They have added recipe browser and so on later but it didnt make the game any better. So tutorials or lack there of is not what makes or breaks a game. But CCP and this forums intelligentsia seems to believe otherwise for some reason.

But honetly this discussion is futile because you cannot fix stupid.

The irony is that CCP etc. thinks everyone is stupid and if only people were smarter they would be playing EVE online. But what if everyone is smart and CCP are the stupid ones? No that cant be it

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  1. Tell us what EvE does not give back what other ftp games do give to “younger gamers” ?
  2. If they don’t appreciate a demo (alpha) version and don’t appreciate at least a serious attempt at guiding them into the complexity of the game (tutorial/career agents), this will never be their kind of game, and they should go elsewhere
  3. Rookie help channel comments are mixed. Some like it, some love it, some are completely out of their depth, and some simply don’t like its concept nor design.

For some it will indeed (and they won’t stay). Others will be intrigued and start their journey into the rabbit hole to see how deep it goes, and develop themselves on the way to meet the challenge.

Clearly you do not belong in this game.

Bro get on my level you are acting like a forum troll

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If my back allows it…

Should I wait long for an answer about the rewards from ftp games vs EvE, or are you still looking for one ?

And after that, we can perhaps get back on topic: equating the active player count with CSM performance.

Why did you post this then?? :joy:

It’s like the Dota 2 players. They cry gg at 5mins and the game eventually ends up being 50mins and they played their hardest lol.

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Current kids wouldn’t play Eve long term.

It’s really that simple.

Eve takes a certain kind of demographic that was very existent in the early 2000s, but is no longer really here, or in negligible numbers.

Would you say scores of young kids today would play Pacman because gaming industry x10 bigger ?

Not really, because, gaming demographics change, evolve, with time, culture, tech advances etc …

I am patiently and also eagerly waiting for this monument and relic of the video game industry, to shut down permanently.

Its just a matter of time. But it didnt have to be this way. For example Among Us was released waaaay before people starting playing it en masse. It was just there, waiting to be discovered or rediscovered. Same thing with EVE Online, except it hasnt improved over the years, its not going to get an influx of players its not going to go viral even tho it easily could with some hard work.


you kind of dont understand why the CSM was founded. it wasnt to keep players from leaving. Eve is always a little slow during the summer. PC games are kind of rare. Most new Gamers play on a phone or a XBOX etc.

when i started i believe we had a celebration when we hit 5000 subscribers.

be patient Padawan , ive been here since beta. its about playin g the game and enjoying the trip


This game is really for older people. I was the kid who loved Warhammer 40k when my friends were playing Fortnite and Minecraft :joy:

Young gamers these days are playing FPS, MOBA, etc. Popular AAA titles.

It was though, indirectly. It was a reaction to the player’s lack of confidence due to certain Devs being caught with their hand in the cookie jar (multiple and in different ways). It’s a PR move and as all PR moves its purpose is to keep the players happy (or less annoyed rather) which would affect said players decision to stick around or not.

it wasnt. it was toput players minds and fears to rest. the T20 incidint and the .ini file problem were titanic screwups the gave alot of people jitters about continuing to play. saying its about numbers now is just avoiding the facts of why it started.

It’s a company, everything is about numbers. You can’t possibly be this simple.

So now you are comparing Eve to a mobile game? A mobile game that is a rip off from a 30+ year old board game - The Awful Green Things From Outer Space? Not really sure what point you are trying to make? Sure, Eve isn’t as popular as a trendy mobile app that will be dead in a year? But where will Among Us be in 20 years?

the fact of why it started are at issue. may want to catch up

So which of the two is it?

like all theory’s, its both. we could get T20 comments going but its a slow time of year. its fun to annoy people.